Subject Guides

Cataloging Container


***To delete a whole record, including item, holding, and bib, delete EACH SEPARATELY. First delete the item, then the holding, then the bib. DO NOT choose  the option to delete an item and its associated holding at the same time, as this might delete more than one holding***


How to delete an item record:


  1. Search for the record in the Institution Zone
  2. When you find the record you are looking for, click on the ellipses and select “Items”
  3. Next to the item to be deleted, click on the ellipses and select “Edit”
  4. In the Notes tab, enter wdn for Statistics note 1 (this is for SUNY analytics)
  5. Click the green Save button
  6. You may get a popup asking you to confirm the action; if so, click Confirm
  7. Back on the item list, check the box next to the item to be deleted
  8. Click on ellipses and select “Withdraw”
  9. Confirm that you want to withdraw the item
  10. After confirming, a box will then pop up asking what you’d like to do with the holdings:

a. Select “don’t change the holdings record”

b.Click on “Go”


How to delete a holding with no item attached: 


  1. Search for the record in the Institution Zone
  2. Once found, click on “Holdings” tab on the upper right, across from title
  3. Check the box next to the holding to be deleted
  4. Click on “Delete Holdings” above
  5. Confirm that you want to delete this holding
  6. Holding will disappear immediately from list


How to delete a holding with an item attached: 


  1. Search for record, as described above
  2. When you find the record you are looking for, click on the ellipses and select “Items” 
  3. Check the box next to the item to be deleted
  4. Click on ellipses and select “Withdraw”
  5. Confirm that you want to withdraw the item
  6. After confirming, a box will then pop up asking what you’d like to do with the holdings:
  7. Select “Don’t change the holdings record” and click on “Go”
  8. Click back to the holding screen
  9. Check the box next to the holding to be deleted
  10. Click on “Delete Holdings” above
  11. Confirm that you want to delete this holding
  12. Holding will disappear immediately from list


How to delete a bib record:


To delete a bib record, it must first only be in the IZ. If the bib record you want to delete is attached to a NZ record, first you must unlink our bib record so it’s only in the IZ:


  1. Click Edit record to open the MD editor
  2. Go to file > Copy to catalog (to unlink from NZ)
  3. To make sure that the record is no longer linked to the NZ, go back to the search results and make sure the record is no longer linked to the NZ
  4. Click Edit record to open the MD editor
  5. Go to file > Delete record

rev. RBT 7/19

Replacement Processing