Subject Guides
Replacement Processing
If you prepare to catalog a book and see that it has an item with an item policy of MISSING, you can delete this item and catalog the one you have in hand like normal.
If you prepare to catalog a book and see that it has an item with an item policy of LOST, do not catalog yet. First, contact Reader's Services (primarily Laurie K.) to see if the item's lost status has been resolved:
If it has, you can simply overlay the new barcode into the LOST record and update the item record.
If the item's LOST status HAS NOT BEEN RESOLVED, you must add the item you have as a second copy, keeping the LOST item record just as is. So, the record will have 2 items attached to it, the LOST one, and the one you have just cataloged.
missing or lost Items
Bibliographic Pre-order Searches
- All orders are date stamped in Acquisitions when they are received
- All orders will be searched on local library system to confirm missing/lost status.
- On a case-by-case basis, inability to confirm missing/lost status may require checking the shelves or returning order to the subject librarian.
- If the subject librarian specifies that a variant/later edition is ok, then then it should be assumed that ebook is preferred unless specified -A fund or specific order info is attached.
- When a substitute replacement is submitted for a lost item, that order also needs to be searched on local library system.
- If the substitute is an exact duplicate, give all information to Senior Bibliographic Assistant.
Exact replacements
- Write MMSID on Missing/Lost Item Decision Form
- Note on the Item Record -- General Tab 2—Internal Note Field
“Order placed as an exact replacement”
Substitute replacements
- Search utilities for bibliographic records for transfer into local library system, or input a brief record when necessary (see Inputting Brief Records)
- Write the MMSID of Lost item on Lost Decision Form
- Write the MMSID of the replacement on the top of the Order Form (BPR)
Variant replacements
- Write MMSID on Missing/Lost Item Decision Form
- Pass orders to Order Clerks who will search utilities for records or will input brief records (see Inputting Brief Records) when necessary.
Order Clerks
- Order Clerks will check availability for requests on a case-by-case basis.
- Order Clerks will either export records from utilities or input brief records (see Inputting Brief Records) for all requests for variant editions.
- Missing – Subject area funds.
- If the subject librarian specifies that a variant/later edition is ok, then then it should be assumed that ebook is preferred unless specified -A fund or specific order info is attached.
- Lost – Patron Paid fund
Notes to be added to Order Record—Library Note Field
- Exact Replacements
- Exact replacement only, [bibliographer’s initials, date], AND any special processing information found on the Order Form (ex. 1.Bind, if paperback, 2. Notify)
- Exact replacement only, [bibliographer’s initials, date], AND any special processing information found on the Order Form (ex. 1.Bind, if paperback, 2. Notify)
- Variant Replacements
- Any special processing information found on the Order Form
- Any special processing information found on the Order Form
- Substitute Replacements
- Any special processing information found on the Order Form
Receiving Clerks
- For all replacements, all notes found on the order record & the Aleph Ids will be noted on the purple slip and on any Special Processing slips
- Exact Replacement - Send to Cataloging Department via exclusion truck
- Variant & Substitute Replacements - Give to Adjusted Catalogers
*Questions pertaining to receiving a replacement should be referred to supervisor
*Questions pertaining to cataloging a replacement should be referred to Senior Bibliographic Assistant.
damaged items
Bibliographic Pre-order
All orders will be searched on local library management system
Exact replacements
- Write MMS ID on form supplied by Preservation Office
- Note to be added to Item Record – General Tab 2, Internal Note Field
- “Exact replacement ordered for damaged item”
Variant replacements
- Write MMS ID of damaged item on form supplied by Preservation Office
- Pass damaged item & paperwork to Order Clerks who will either export records or input brief records (see Inputting Brief Records) for all requests for variant editions.
- Damaged item plus all paperwork will be given directly to Order Clerk.
Order Clerks
- Order Clerks will check availability for requests on a case-by-case basis.
- Order Clerks will either export records from utilities or input brief records (see Inputting Brief Records) for all requests for variant editions.
- Subject area funds.
- If the subject librarian specifies that a variant/later edition is ok, then it should be assumed that ebook is preferred unless specified -A fund or specific order info is attached.
Exact and Variant replacements
- Notes to be added to: Order Record—Library Note Field
- Examples: Bind if paperback OR Withdraw damaged copy when replacement is received.
- Examples: Bind if paperback OR Withdraw damaged copy when replacement is received.
Damaged Replacement
- Add the following notes to the Order Record - Library Note Field:
- Give to Clerk II, DO NOT ARRIVE,
- MMS ID of damaged item
- Any Special Collections’ processing instructions indicated on the Purchase Order - examples:
- Bind if Paperback
- Withdraw damaged copy when replacement is received.
Receiving Clerks
- Do Not Arrive.
- Write damaged replacement on purple slip and give item to Clerk II for processing new copy with damaged copy.
- Damaged copy and its replacement will be forwarded to:
- Exact Replacements - Send to Cataloging Department via exclusion truck
- Variant Replacements - Give to Adjusted Catalogers
Updated August 2017