Subject Guides

Cataloging Container

General Procedures

We will get books that are gifts that the bibliographers would like added to the collection. They will be against the wall under a sign “General Gifts”.


1. Copy cataloging gifts in Alma with orders


2. Unless otherwise noted, 2nd copies will go directly to the Annex. 


3. All 2nd copies going to the Annex will have a location code of KLC20.


5. Ephemera

    a. Special Collections and Medium Rare: If a gift book is going to Special Collections or Medium Rare, any ephemera should be left in the book and a local 590 note should be added to the bib record. Also denote the ephemera in the holding record, so you would have an 866 with something like 1 v. + 1 postcard. A note should be kept with the item so that Special Collections knows there is ephemera inside the book.

    b. Stacks: If the gift book is being sent to the stacks or to the regular Annex and contains ephemera that is not specifically related to the book, place the item(s) in an envelope marked with the book's call number and barcode and the name of the donor and send the envelope and item(s) up to Special Collections. Do not add a local note into the bib record or an 866 in the holding record.


Ephemera to keep includes:

It is not necessary to keep blank papers or random jotted notes of one or two words.

  • business cards
  • personal items (receipts, bookmarks, photos, correspondence)
  • handwritten notes
  • publisher advertisements
  • cards accompanying books from an institute or university 


6. The item status should be "Regular Loan" unless otherwise indicated.

7. If there is a bookplate in the front of the book, a 599 1_ note should be added with the person's name, as well as adding the gift note to the item record. If there is no bookplate in the front of the book, the item may or may not require a 599 note.  To determine if a 599 note is needed, please see instructions written for the specific donation or contact the current Gifts Assistant. For all named gifts (whether an individual person or an institution or program), the item record needs an Internal Note 1 in the format of GIFT Smith. Unnamed gifts do not require an item note.


Named Gift Procedures  
see Donor Catalog Information Spreadsheet at the bottom of this box for Named donors

For example: Rogg gift procedures.


Please follow the Procedures for General Gift Books as outlined on the intranet.


1. Add a 599 1_ which says: 599 1 $a Gift of Allan Rogg.

2. In the item record, in the internal note 1 field, add GIFT Rogg

3. If the item is an added copy, include the same 599 note in the record: 599 1 $a Gift of Allan Rogg. (No mention should be made in the 599 note that it is a 2nd copy etc.)

4. Make sure there is a gift bookplate in each item if one is required. Please make sure that you place the bookplate in as neatly as possible. It should go on the inside front cover.

***Please note the spelling of Allan Rogg.


Honor With Materials

Please follow the Procedures for General Gift Books as outlined on the intranet.


Add the following notes:


On Honor Material – Order number


On Bibliographic Record – When a donor has agreed, a 599 1_ (599 1 blank) note will be added to the bib record with wording such as:

599 1_ $a Gift of [Donor's name].


On Item Record -- Internal Note 1 field:


GIFT [Donor’s name]  (must be typed exactly as shown; use one space between GIFT (all caps) and Donor’s name)

           ex: GIFT Dr. John H. Watson

rev. EM 10/14/2022

Alumni Authors

A decision has been made to notate, when noticed, if a book has been written by a Binghamton University alumnus (whether it is a gift or an order). If you notice that a book is written by a BU alumnus and the book is to go to the regular stacks, which is where most of them will be going, please include the following series statements:


962 0_ $a [Binghamton alumni author]
690 __ $a Binghamton alumni author.


If you are unsure if it qualifies as an alumni book (maybe they are the last of six authors) ask the Head of Cataloging or Head of Special Collections.


Additionally, if the book is to be sent to Special Collections (for example, if the book is a gift which has been signed by the author and they are an alumnus, please check with Special Collections to see if it should be cataloged to Special Collections) then use the collection code: BINSP RALM. This will generate a location of "Alumni Authors". The call number will be:




And all other Special Collection handling should be used.


rev. EM 10/14/2022

After you order gifts, you will need to receive items.   This allows you to move the item to Book Prep;  You can do this either for one item at a time, or work with multiple items. 

1. Go to the Acquisitions task bar and select "Receive."

Adjust the screen view as necessary.  Make sure the tab is set for One-time and the Status filter is set to All(except closed).  You can Filter by Vendor 999999 to limit to just Vendor: Gifts. 

2. For most items, you are going to want to make sure the box at the top of the screen is selected to "Keep in Department - Book Prep." 

From the Receiving screen, locate the title you want to receive and click on the ellipses to the right of the title.  Select “Manage Items.” The next screen will display the PO Line information. Select the ellipses again and choose “Edit Inventory Item.”


  • Barcode 


  • Call Number

You can also change Location, Item Policy and Material Type on this screen if you did not do so earlier. 

Click "Save and Receive" and continue the process for all titles.  After you have completed editing all titles, return to the Receive New Materials screen.

rev. EM 10/14/2022