Subject Guides

Cataloging Container


​1. Use multiple holding records (one holdings record per copy) when there are multiple copies of the same item (same title, publisher, date of publication, etc.) that are going to different locations.

2. If there are 2 copies of a book going to the SAME location, use 1 holdings record, but attach multiple item records to the 1 holdings record. RECORDS CANNOT HAVE DUPLICATE HOLDINGS, MEANING MORE THAN ONE HOLDING OF THE SAME LOCATION CODE.


For additional copies of multipart monographs, separate holdings records are necessary in order to have accurate 866s. For more information on multipart monographs, see Multipart Monographs & Add-Ons: Holdings and Items.







  1. Select the view inventory button on the top navigation above the bib record. The holdings will appear oin the right side. Choose the holdings record you want and click Edit
  2. If one or more copies have already been cataloged go to Step IV

​​​   III. EDIT THE 852 FIELD (Location, Call Number, Notes, etc.):


  1. Make sure the first indicator of the 852 field is appropriate for the call number type. (0=LC, 3=Su, 4=Textual)
  2. Edit the SublibraryCollection, and Call Number as necessary. Add any public or non-public notes as needed.
  3. Save and release the holdings record.

   IV. CREATE HOLDINGS RECORD FOR ADDITIONAL COPIES only if they are going to separate locations.


  1. At the top of the bib record, click the ADD HOLDINGS button.
  2. Edit the 852 field (input the correct location code).
  3. Save and release the holdings record.
  4. Continue Step IV until a holdings record has been created for each piece.

*REMEMBER: if there are multiple copies with the SAME LOCATION CODE, DO NOT create a holdings records for each copy; have one holdings record and attach the added copies as MULTIPLE ITEM RECORDS TO THE SAME HOLDINGS RECORD.




  1. From the search results screen, under the item information (where is says physical, electronic, digital, etc.), click items
  2. On the right you will see the ellipses button. Click it and choose edit.
  3. The item record will open. Choose the ENUM/CHRON tab. If one or more copies have already been cataloged go to Step VI
  4. Fill in the barcode and change the Material Type and Item Policy as necessary.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.



1. View Inventory to see existing holdings

2. Click on the … next to the holding you want, and choose View Items, which will take you to the list of items connected to that holding

3. Choose Add Item and fill in Barcode, Material Type, and Item Policy OR click on the … next to existing item and choose Duplicate and fill in Barcode

4. Save, and it will take you back to the list of items

5. Click on the < List of Items at the top left to go back to the holding in metadata editor

6. Release any holdings and bibs that are open


rev. EM 2/8/2023


Records cannot have duplicate holdings, meaning more than one holding of the same location code.  This means that while this is okay because each code is different:
Inline image 2
This is not because there are multiples of the same code:
Inline image 1
Starting immediately when you have a second, etc. copy of the same code you will create only one holdings and then have multiple item records from that one holding.


Correct cataloging practice is to make 1 bib record for a volume set. This is because all of the books in this set will have the same title, just with the volume number after it.  


As a rule, just remember, even if we have only one volume in a multi-volume set, use the bib record for the multi-volume set because we might get more volumes at a future time.


So, if you have a book that says "volume #" somewhere before or after the title, as in "title, volume 1," search the NZ in Alma to see if there is already a record. If you find a record, and the information in the bib record matches the information in the book you have in hand, but the Alma bib record is for a volume set, that is the record to use. 


So, if the bib record has a barcode for volume 1 and a barcode for volume 2, and if the MARC 300 field has "2 volumes" instead of a number of pages (as is the case with the book In Search of America: Community, National Identity, Democracy... ) this is the correct record to use. 


In the case of America: Community, National Identity, Democracy...we only had volume 1 that needed to go to the Annex, so we needed to create a holding and item for just this volume. 


To do this, in the holding you need to create an 866 (4,1) with v.# (the number of volumes you have). In this case, just 866 (4,1) v.1


If you had volumes 1 and 2, it would be 866 (4,1) v.1-2. 


If you had volumes 1 and 3, you would have 2 866s. You would have 866 (4,1) v.1, next line 866 (4,1) v.3. 


In the item screen, in enumeration A put in the number of the volume you have (1), and in the description put in v. and the number of the volume you have (v.1).

rev. EM 2/8/2023