Subject Guides

Cataloging Container


The Library has a collection of books called Binghamton University Libraries Center for the Study of the 1960s.  Books in this collection can already exist in the library, can be purchased for this collection or can be gift books designated for this collection. The books in the 60s collection can be in Special Collections, in Medium Rare in the Annex, just in the Annex or in the stacks. So when working with these books please read the instructions in the book carefully.
At the same time, we have some gift of books from Stephen McKiernan. Some of these books will be going into the 60s collection, but not all of them.  Some are just being added to our regular collection, and some are replacing copies of books we already have.  The books should be marked properly with flags, but if you have any questions, please ask Bill or Blythe before cataloging. If they have dust jackets, we are keeping them, and they should have Colibri covers.
General note: "Interviewee" flags can be ignored.

McKiernan books for the stacks that are NOT part of the 1960s collection:


  • These books will be cataloged to the regular Annex unless we already own a copy.  If we own a copy a we are not keeping duplicates. Follow the following steps to get rid of the items we already own and replace them with the McKiernan copy you are cataloging:
    1. Search for the book in Alma like normal.
    2. If we already have a copy (or copies) of the book, check the internal note 1 of the items to make sure these copies are not McKiernan Collection too.
    3. If they are McKiernan Collection, they can be withdrawn anyway, unless they are signed. If they are signed do not withdraw them; in this case the title will have multiple copies.
    4. For all duplicates that are not McKiernan/not signed, add their information into the "McKiernan Duplicates for Shelf Weeding" sheet
    5. Once you have added the item(s) you will withdraw from Alma into the Google sheet, withdraw them from Alma.
    6. Add the new McKiernan copy you have in hand to Alma as an item. Its location and item policy should be the same as the item(s) you just withdrew. Don't forget to start the cataloging process by adding a gift order for your item.
    7. Continue to catalog like normal, using the following instructions.
  • If the book is signed, include a 590 local note in the bib record that reads "Binghamton University Libraries copy is signed by [insert who signed the book].
  • These books need just a donor note. For these books you should use the template called “McKiernan.”
  • The item record internal note 1 should read  GIFT McKiernan.

McKiernan books for the stacks that are also part of the 60s Collection (not Medium Rare or Special Collections):


  • McKiernan 1960s books for the stacks
  • Books with the 60s flag are cataloged to the regular Annex (KLC20) unless we already own a copy.  If we own a copy, we are not keeping duplicates. Follow the steps above to catalog this copy.
  • These books need the 1960s series note  (962 __ [Binghamton University Libraries Center for the Study of the 1960s]), as well as a donor note. Add these two notes by using the "McKiernan 1960s" template.
  • In the item record, internal note 1 should read GIFT McKiernan

rev. EM 1/4/2023