Subject Guides
- Binghamton University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Tech Services
- Cataloging Container
- Copy Catalog Standards
Cataloging Container
Guide Contents
To be Cataloged:
Print monographs with LDR (Leader):
Type of record (byte 06) = a
Bibliographic level (byte 07) = m
Encoding level (byte 17) = blank, I, L, 1, 4, 7, or 8 (level K, M, 3 and 5 must go to adjusted cataloging)
Excluded from copy cataloging are:
- Atlases
- Bibliographies
- Serials (LDR, byte 07 = s)
- Cataloging source (040): exclude records with foreign language $b's ($b fre, $b ger, etc.); and, exclude 040 $b eng if followed by $e fobidrtb
- Juvenile materials (Fixed data 008, byte 22 (Target audience) = a, b, c, or j)
- Reference materials requiring special handling
- Replacements (Handle per instructions)
- Monographs requiring special handling (i.e., Special Collections, Add-ons)
- Non-Roman language materials
- Proceedings (conference, workshops, meetings, etc. in 110 and 111 fields)
- Bibliographic records without any 6XX fields with 2nd indicator "0" (Library of Congress subject heading). Exception: Individual literary works.
General Instructions: To be checked before field-by-field inspection of bibliographic record. Even if no changes are made to a bibliographic record, it should be saved to the server.
A. Determine whether the bibliographic record matches the monograph in hand. Briefly check:
- Author
- Title
- Edition
- Publisher (notify electronic resource cataloger if publisher for print title is National Academies Press, World Bank, or Salem Press)
B. The bibliographic record must have a legitimate Library of Congress Classification number in the 050 or 090 fields.
- PZ 1-4 classification numbers
- PS 8000s classification numbers
- NH or NJ classification numbers
- JX classification numbers
- HM 1-299 classification numbers
- Z1200-Z8999 (Bibliography) classification numbers
- Classification numbers with 3 author (cutter) numbers
- Classification numbers with a 2nd $a in the 050 field
- Records with more than one 050 or 090 field containing classification numbers
- For subsequent editions, use the classification number that Binghamton University Libraries has assigned for the previous edition cataloged.
- If adding a second copy, and the first copy has a non-acceptable call number, send to adjusted cataloging so that the call numbers can be updated.
- Shelflist online for the following class number ranges:
- QA76 (Computer Science)
- RA644.A25 (AIDS)
- Verify K call numbers on record against the Class K Law Classification Online . The following are exclusions and should be given to adjusted catalogers:
- K call numbers that are not on the Outline, example: KC's
- K call number doesn't match geographic region in 6xx fields,
example: KE's should have geographic subject heading for Canada
C. Subject Headings
- Bibliographic records which are not literary works should have at least one 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, or 651 field with second indicator "0"
- Individual literary works (novel, poems, short stories by one author) do not necessarily require any subject headings.
Field-by-Field Inspection of Record: Match monograph against bibliographic record for fields specified. Ignore fields not mentioned. Pass monograph on to adjusted cataloging when instructions specify.
006 (Additional Material Characteristics) For print monographs, if on record, accept as is.
008 (Fixed length data elements) Check to see if the language code (008 fixed data, bytes 35-37) matches the primary language of the item. Refer to the MARC Code List for Languages.
010 (Library of Congress Control Number) For print monographs, if on record, accept as is.
020 (ISBN) Check that the ISBN matches the monograph. If there is a 13 digit and a 10 digit number on the record, but only one can be verified on the book, leave both numbers in the record. If there are multiple ISBNs, do not delete them. However, if you are cataloging a print monograph, make sure that any ISBN for the ebook version of the monograph is in $z instead of $a.
035 (Local System Number) Retain the 035 field that indicates source of record.
040 (Cataloging Source) Record must have either no $b or a $b eng. Exclude records with foreign language $b's ($b fre $b ger, etc.); and, exclude 040 $b eng if followed by $e fobidrtb
072 (Subject Category Code) If on record, accept as is.
1XX (Creator Main Entry) Includes 100, 110, 111, and 130 fields. If there is an error with the main access point, send to an adjusted cataloger. If diacritics on monograph are missing from the record or if they take up 2 spaces instead of 1 space, send item to an adjusted cataloger.
240 (Uniform/Preferred Title) Remove initial articles if present (see, MARC Initial Definite and Indefinite Articles list). 2nd (filing) indicator should always be "0." Otherwise, accept as is.
245 (Title/Statement of Responsibility) Check filing indicator (2nd indicator) for accuracy. Check for spelling errors.
$a Title Proper -- Edit, if necessary, to match title page. If title proper is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS or Each Word Capitalized, change to sentence case (only first word and proper nouns capitalized).
$b Other Title Information/Parallel Titles -- Edit, if necessary, to match title page.
$c Statement of Responsibility -- Accept titles (ex. Dr., Professor, etc.) and affiliations as is, but do not add. At minimum, the 1st named creator or contributor should be represented by 1XX or 7XX field. Pass monograph to adjusted cataloging if changes/additions are needed.
246 (Variant Titles) If any variant titles are represented by 740 field(s), leave as is. Delete initial articles in 246 fields. Accept existing 246 field indicators as they are, unless otherwise specified. Explanatory information should be included in $i, title information should be included in $a.
A. If an existing 246 field contains a $i, accept as is.
B. Add cover titles, spine titles, and parallel titles that differ significantly (unless they already exist) as 246:3_
C. Add alternative titles (change "&" to "and"; arabic numerals to spelled out form; century numerals to spelled out form, etc.) as 246:3_ (Unless they already exist).
D. Add access to portion of title when appropriate as 246:3_
E. If there is a spelling mistake in the title on the title page, the mistake should be included in the 245. Add a 246:1_ with the correct spelling.
ex. 246:1_: $i Title should read: $a Spelling for dummies
See 246 Variant Title Entries for more examples.
250 (Edition) Check to see if essentially the same as on monograph; if not, pass on to adjusted cataloging. Add an edition statement (250 field) if it is obvious from the title page, preliminaries, or colophon. Remember that in RDA the whole edition statement should be written out (no abbreviations).
When the monograph in hand is other than a first edition, search Aleph to see if we own previous editions of that title. If so, use the classification number used for the previous edition.
NOTE: Spanish and Portuguese books -- Often the edition statement simply constitutes another printing. If all other information (publisher and paging) matches, consider the record a match and alter (if necessary) the edition statement to match the book. Also alter (if necessary) the publication date and the date on the classification number. Change (if necessary) the publication dates fixed field.
260 (Pre-RDA Publication Information)
$a Place of publication -- Check to see if essentially the same as on monograph; if not, pass on to adjusted cataloging.
$b Publisher -- Check to see if essentially the same as on monograph; if not, pass on to adjusted cataloging.
$c Date of publication -- Match with appropriate date in monograph. Change on bibliographic record, if necessary. Change date in the Libraries' classification number (holdings record), if necessary. A change in the 260 date will automatically be reflected in the 008 fixed data, bytes 07-10.
264 (RDA) (Publication, Distribution, etc. -- Imprint) There can be more than one 264 field; if there is more than one 264 field in the record, accept, but do not add. (If you think a second 264 should be added, give to an adjusted cataloger.)
$a Place of publication -- Check to see if essentially the same as on monograph; if not, pass on to adjusted cataloging.
$b Publisher -- Check to see if essentially the same as on monograph; if not, pass on to adjusted cataloging.
$c Date of publication -- Match with appropriate date in monograph. Change on bibliographic record, if necessary. Change date in the Libraries' classification number (holdings record), if necessary. A change in the 264 date will NOT automatically be reflected in the 008 fixed data, bytes 07-10. If the 008 needs to be changed, give to an adjusted cataloger.
264 _4 (Copyright)
- If there is a separate 264 _4 with a copyright date, check that the date is correct and change if necessary. Do NOT delete copyright date if it is the same as publication date.
There is no need to add a 264 _4 if one does not exist, unless the copyright date differs from the publication date, in which case give to an adjusted cataloger.
If the copyright date is for the upcoming year, use it anyway.
263 (Projected Publication Date) If on record, delete.
300 (Physical Description)
A. If the 300 field is complete, verify the last numbered page of the monograph and the size. If 28+ centimeters either in height or width see Oversize Specifications. Measure size in centimeters, if it seems incorrect. If there are illustrations and/or maps and they are not included in the 300 field, add them in $b.
EXAMPLE: 300:__: $a xii, 242 pages : $b illustrations, maps ; $c 24 cm.
B. If the 300 field is incomplete (CIP), edit as follows:
$a Pagination -- complete preliminary and main pagination.
If complicated or irregular paging use:
1 volume (various pagings)
If unpaged use:
1 volume (unpaged)
$b Illustrations -- if illustrated, use "illustrations." If there are significant maps, add "maps."
$c Size -- measure size in centimeters (remember that you always round up to the next centimeter).
$e Accompanying material. Check accompanying material for accuracy. If accompanying material includes general material (maps, etc.) , DVD’s, computer disks (floppies), computer discs (CD-ROMs and audio CDs), refer to relevant instructions.
336-338 (Content/Media/Carrier) -- If these fields exist on record, accept them as they are.
4XX (Series Statement)--We will accept the series statements if they are in any 440 or 490 field.
The 440 field is now obsolete. Accept existing 440 fields. Add new series titles as 490 fields; do not change 490 fields to 440.
Check for obvious spelling errors.
Remove initial articles if present (see MARC Initial Definite and Indefinite Articles list).
All 440 fields should have a second indicator of “0” (490 fields have blank second indicator).
Check all numbered series in the Libraries' catalog or in the authority file to see if it should be classed as a collection. If so, give it to Kathryn or another adjusted cataloger.
If series is on the record, but not on monograph, delete it from the record.
If series is on monograph, but not on record:
A. If series is numbered, follow above procedures for numbered series. If numbered series is not fully analyzed, classed as a collection (FTC or FTC?), add the series as a 490:0_. Remove all initial articles.
B. If series is unnumbered, add the series as a 490:0_. Remove all initial articles.
If the 4xx field (disregard: capitalization, $x (ISSN), and $v series captions (v., vol., volume; n., no., number)) and the 8xx field are identical, remove the 8xx field and make the 4xx field a 490:0_.
5XX (Notes)
A. Add notes for bibliographical references and indexes, if not on record. Do not add pagination for bibliographies. If pagination already exists for a bibliography note, keep it.
500:__: $a Includes index. (If there are no bibliographical references)
504:__: $a Includes bibliographical references and index.
B. Delete initial articles after $t in enhanced 505 (contents) notes. $t should include title information, and $r should include author information.
C. Add or update 505 fields for multipart monographs.
D. Delete non-Binghamton 590 fields.
E. For gift book notes see Gift and Honor Processing procedures.
F. Leave all 520 notes in the bibliographic record, regardless if the book is children’s or adult material.
- If second indicator is 8, ex. 520 8_, delete the 8 so it appears as 520 _ _.
G. On print monographs, delete 530 fields that say “Also available online” or “Also issued online” when there is no 856 field.
H. Do not add 588 description source field, but accept if there.
6XX (Subject Headings) Includes 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, and 651 fields.
A. Check for obvious spelling errors.
- Remove initial articles after any $t.
- Accept above fields with second indicator 0, 1, or 2. Library of Congress (LC) subject headings have a 2nd indicator of "0," LC Children subject headings have a 2nd indicator of "1," and Medical subject headings (MeSH) have a 2nd indicator of "2." Delete all others.
- Delete all 653 fields. Delete all 654, 656-658 fields.
B. Bibliographic records which are not individual literary works should have at least one 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, or 651 field with second indicator "0" (LC subject heading). If not, pass monograph on to adjusted cataloging.
C. Individual literary works (novel, poems, short stories by one author) do not necessarily require any subject headings.
D. Accept 6XX fields with 2nd indicator 0, 1, and 2. Accept 655 fields with 2nd indicator of 7 only if source is specified in $2. EXCEPTION: Delete 655 fields with 2nd indicator of 7 when they are not English.
Delete: 655:_7: $a Congressen (vorm) $2 gtt
Note: A record that contains only MeSH subject headings (2nd indicator of "2") needs to have LC subject headings (2nd indicator of "0") added. MeSH headings should not be deleted, but records with only MeSH headings should be given to adjusted catalogers.
E. Delete all other 6XX fields with second indicators 3-9.
7XX (Added Entries) Check for obvious spelling errors. If diacritics on monograph are missing from the record, send item to adjusted cataloger. Remove initial articles after any $t.
730 & 740 fields -- Remove initial articles if present in $a. 1st (filing) indicator should be a "0."
776 field -- Do not add, but accept if there
8XX (Series Added Entries) Check for obvious spelling errors. Remove initial articles after any $t.
830 field
A. Remove initial articles if present in $a. 2nd (filing) indicator should be a "0."
B. If the 4xx field (disregard: capitalization, $x (ISSN), and $v series captions (v., vol., volume; n., no., number)) and the 8xx field are identical, remove the 8xx field and make the 4xx field a 490:0_.
880 field -- Leave all 880 fields that correspond to other fields with foreign characters.
886 field -- Delete all 886 fields.
856 (Electronic Location and Access)
Print monographs with bibliographic records containing 856 (Electronic Location and Access) field(s):
- Take printout of bibliographic record prior to cataloging print monographs with the 856(s) included
- Take printout of bibliographic record for National Academies Press, World Bank, and Salem titles even if there are no 856(s) in the record
- Put printouts in electronic resource cataloger’s (Jill Yaples) mailbox
- Remove online information: 530’s, 856s [delete]
- Catalog print book as usual
Exception: The following type of 856's can be removed from print monograph bibliographic records without taking printouts and do not have to be brought to the attention of the electronic resources cataloger
Delete 856's with a:
$u ... or
$u ... or
$u ...
Ex. 856:42: $3 Publisher description $u
Additionally delete foreign URL's -- usually German. They will usually have a $3 of Inhaltstext
Ex. 856:42: $u
Refer any questions concerning 856's to the electronic resource cataloger.
9XX (Local Fields) Retain all 9xx fields.
Holdings Record (see Print Monographs: Holdings & Items ) An Aleph holdings record should contain no more than one $h or one $i.
Changes to classification number:
A. Remove work letters (like x) after author (cutter) numbers; accept work letters (like a, b) after dates, but delete "x" after dates, except for certain census classification numbers (HA201)
B. Change date, if necessary, to match 260/264 $c (imprint date)
Remember to save all bibliographic records to the server, even if you have made no changes.
Last revised, RBT July 2019
To be Cataloged:
Print monographs with LDR (Leader):
Type of record (byte 06) = a
Bibliographic level (byte 07) = m
Encoding level (byte 17) = blank, I, L, 1, 4, 7, or 8 (level K, M, 3 and 5 must go to adjusted cataloging)
Excluded from copy cataloging are:
- Atlases
- Bibliographies
- Serials (LDR, byte 07 = s)
- Cataloging source (040): exclude records with foreign language $b's ($b fre, $b ger, etc.); and, exclude 040 $b eng if followed by $e fobidrtb
- Juvenile materials (Fixed data 008, byte 22 (Target audience) = a, b, c, or j)
- Reference materials requiring special handling
- Replacements (Handle per instructions)
- Monographs requiring special handling (i.e., Special Collections, Add-ons)
- Non-Roman language materials
- Proceedings (conference, workshops, meetings, etc. in 110 and 111 fields)
- Bibliographic records without any 6XX fields with 2nd indicator "0" (Library of Congress subject heading). Exception: Individual literary works.
General Instructions: To be checked before field-by-field inspection of bibliographic record.
A. Determine whether the bibliographic record matches the monograph in hand. Briefly check:
- Author
- Title
- Edition
- Publisher (notify electronic resource cataloger if publisher for print title is National Academies Press, World Bank, or Salem Press)
B. The bibliographic record must have a legitimate Library of Congress Classification number in the 050 or 090 fields.
- PZ 1-4 classification numbers
- PS 8000s classification numbers
- NH or NJ classification numbers
- JX classification numbers
- HM 1-299 classification numbers
- Z1200-Z8999 (Bibliography) classification numbers
- Classification numbers with 3 author (cutter) numbers
- Classification numbers with a 2nd $a in the 050 field
- Records with more than one 050 or 090 field containing classification numbers
- For subsequent editions, use the classification number that Binghamton University Libraries has assigned for the previous edition cataloged.
- If adding a second copy, and the first copy has a non-acceptable call number, send to adjusted cataloging so that the call numbers can be updated.
- Shelflist online for the following class number ranges:
- QA76 (Computer Science)
- RA644.A25 (AIDS)
- Verify K call numbers on record against the Class K Law Classification Online . The following are exclusions and should be given to adjusted catalogers:
- K call numbers that are not on the Outline, example: KC's
- K call number doesn't match geographic region in 6xx fields,
example: KE's should have geographic subject heading for Canada
C. Subject Headings
- Bibliographic records which are not literary works should have at least one 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, or 651 field with second indicator "0"
- Individual literary works (novel, poems, short stories by one author) do not necessarily require any subject headings.
Field-by-Field Inspection of Record: Match monograph against bibliographic record for fields specified. Ignore fields not mentioned. Pass monograph on to adjusted cataloging when instructions specify.
Accept vs Adjusted
We do not edit bib records in Alma unless you are just adding a local note. From now on copy catalogers will use these guidelines to decide whether to accept the record as is, or to send it to adjusting cataloging (in addition to the usual adjusted cataloging issues).
Field | Accept as is | Send to Adjusted Cataloging |
008 (Fixed length data elements) | Check to see if the language code (008 fixed data, bytes 35-37) matches the primary language of the item. Refer to the MARC Code List for Languages. If these don't match, send to adjusted cataloging | |
020 (ISBN) |
ISBN for ebook is in $a (should be in $z)
040 (Cataloging Source) | The record has either no $b or $b eng | If there is a $b that is not eng, send to adjusted cataloging |
1XX (Creator main entry) Includes 100, 110, 111, and 130 fields. | Any part of 1XX main access point is wrong or missing | |
240 (Uniform title) | Initial article | |
245 (Title and statement of responsibility) |
$c Statement of Responsibility -- Accept titles (ex. Dr., Professor, etc.) and affiliations as is, but do not add. At minimum, the 1st named creator or contributor should be represented by 1XX or 7XX field. Pass monograph to adjusted cataloging if changes/additions are needed. |
If anything is wrong or missing, send to adjusted cataloging This includes older records that have a 245 with just the title. If the author or editor is on the title page it should be in the 245 field, no matter how old the record is
246 (Variant title)
250 (Edition)
NOTE: Spanish and Portuguese books -- Often the edition statement simply constitutes another printing. If all other information (publisher and paging) matches, consider the record a match and alter (if necessary) the edition statement to match the book. Also alter (if necessary) the publication date and the date on the classification number. Change (if necessary) the publication dates fixed field. |
Abbreviated when it shouldn't be or vice versa | Edition statement needs to be added |
260/264 (Publication information) |
Date, place, or publisher is wrong |
300 (Physical description) If 28+ centimeters either in height or width see Oversize Specifications. |
If the measurements are off by a few cm, and this doesn't make it oversize, accept |
If anything (besides what is mentioned for measurements) is wrong or missing, send to adjusted cataloging |
490 (Series) |
5XX For gift book notes see Gift and Honor Processing procedures. |
504 (Bibliographical references) | Accept as is. Do not add. | |
505 (Contents) | Contents need to be edited. | |
6XX (Subject headings) | Do not delete any 6XX, regardless of indicators or language. |
7XX (Added entries) |
830 (Series) | Keep both 490 and 830 | Initial articles |
856 (Electronic Location and Access): Print monographs with bibliographic records containing 856 |
880 | Leave all 880 fields that correspond to other fields with foreign characters. |