Subject Guides
Guide Contents
Reference/Tertiary Sources
- Oxford Dictionary of National BiographyBiographies of people who shaped the history of the British Isles and beyond, from the 4th century BC to the 21st century.
Secondary Sources
- Chatham House Online ArchiveThe research, publications, speeches and archives of the leading international affairs think tank, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London. High level analysis and research on almost 100 years of global events and issues. Includes 'behind the doors' insight.
- HRAF World Cultures This link opens in a new windoweHraf is an unique cross-cultural database containing more than a quarter of a million pages of descriptive information on the cultures of the world. Includes the full text of ethnographic books, journal articles and other materials that are indexed by culture and subject.
- PAIS IndexCovers issues in public affairs and policy issues through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources. Coverage: 1915 - present.
- Women's Studies InternationalCovers the core disciplines in Women’s Studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research. Covers 1972 - present.
- Historical Abstracts with Full TextCovers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present.
Primary Sources
- AM Explorer
Access millions of pages of primary source collections across the entire portfolio of Adam Matthew Digital, spanning content from the 15th-21st centuries.
- Eighteenth Century Collections OnlineOver 180,000 full-text books based on the English Short Title Catalogue.
- Nineteenth Century Collections Online
A digital collection of books, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, ephemera, and maps that cover politics and society, literature, spirituality, technology and more.
- Archives UnboundIncludes dozens of rare primary source documents organized by topic/ focus which span European colonialism, 1960s social movements, womens' rights, African-American civil rights, the Holocaust, and the Tiananmen Square protest.
- Wiley Digital Archive Environmental Science and HistoryPrimary sources enable the impacts of human activity on the natural world to be traced, researched, and analyzed through documents, images, data, maps, and photographs. WDA: ENV provides new insights into the natural world, the ways anthropogenic activity has impacted climates, biodiversity, and ecological systems, and describes early efforts to understand and mitigate or remediate the negative effects of human activities on the natural world.
- Digital National Security Archive
Declassified U.S. government documents, providing vital primary source material to advance research in twentieth and twenty-first century history, politics, and international relations, covering events from the Berlin Crisis to post-9/11 U.S. intelligence.
- USC Shoah Visual History Archive
Contains video testimonies of survivors and witnesses of genocide, crimes against humanity, and related persecution.
- Ancestry Library EditionGenealogy research tool that includes records from the United States Census; military records; court, land and probate records; vital and church records; directories; passenger lists and more. Note: This edition does not have all the features of the regular edition. See the article for information.
- Avalon ProjectFull text documents relating to politics, history, law, diplomacy and government. International in scope, ranging from 400BC to current times. Contains treaties, speeches, constitutions, letters, etc. Links to supporting documents included.
- Oxford Text Archive This link opens in a new windowIncludes several thousand electronic texts and linguistic corpora, in a variety of languages. Its holdings include electronic editions of works by individual authors, standard reference works such as the Bible and mono-/bilingual dictionaries, and a range of language corpora.
- Europeana CollectionsEuropean is a collection of millions of types of digital resources from Europe's museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections, including books, images, sound and video. See Find and Using Streaming Video for information.
- Newspaper Source PlusFull text coverage of selected international and regional newspapers, newswires and other news sources.
- Burney Newspapers Collection, 1600-1799The largest archive of British newspapers and pamphlets and other printed material from London, greater England, Scotland and the Colonies (India, the U.S., and the Caribbean) covering the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries.
- British Library Newspapers, 1800-1900
Includes all the text, advertisements and illustrations from a wide variety of local, regional and national newspapers, political and radical publication are included. Access is to Part 1 and 2.
- (London) Times Digital Archive, 1785-2019
Full-image online archive of every page published by The Times (London) from 1785-2019. For more recent coverage, use our Journal Title search.
- Sunday Times Historical Archive, 1822-2021
Full text and images of the paper from 1822-2021. Due to labor issues, the Sunday Times was not published between 26 November 1978 and 18 November 1979. For newer content, please use our Journal Title search.
- Times Literary Supplement (TLS) Historical Archive, 1902-2019
Full-image online archive of every page published in the TLS through 2019. For more recent coverage, use our Journal Title search.
- Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2021Full-text of Financial Times (London) from its first issue. For more recent coverage, use our Journal Tile search.
- British Periodicals Collection IConsists of more than 160 journals that comprise the ProQuest microfilm collection Early British Periodicals. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts, and the social sciences.
- Burney Newspapers Collection, 1600-1799The largest archive of British newspapers and pamphlets and other printed material from London, greater England, Scotland and the Colonies (India, the U.S., and the Caribbean) covering the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries.
- British Library Newspapers, 1800-1900
Includes all the text, advertisements and illustrations from a wide variety of local, regional and national newspapers, political and radical publication are included. Access is to Part 1 and 2.
- (London) Times Digital Archive, 1785-2019
Full-image online archive of every page published by The Times (London) from 1785-2019. For more recent coverage, use our Journal Title search.
- Sunday Times Historical Archive, 1822-2021
Full text and images of the paper from 1822-2021. Due to labor issues, the Sunday Times was not published between 26 November 1978 and 18 November 1979. For newer content, please use our Journal Title search.
- Times Literary Supplement (TLS) Historical Archive, 1902-2019
Full-image online archive of every page published in the TLS through 2019. For more recent coverage, use our Journal Title search.
- Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2021Full-text of Financial Times (London) from its first issue. For more recent coverage, use our Journal Tile search.
- Church Missionary Society ArchiveA rich repository of source materials on the work of this globally influential organisation, founded in 1799 as an Anglican evangelical movement and still active today. Records from the Angelican evangelical missions, spanning the globe, dating back to 1799. Includes the first mission to Japan and womens' education missions.
- U.K. Parliamentary PapersPrimary source database comprising the British perspective on historical and contemporary events through a vast and authoritative archive of official government documents from 1688-2004 as well as the Hansard parliamentary debates.
- Chatham House Online ArchiveThe research, publications, speeches and archives of the leading international affairs think tank, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London. High level analysis and research on almost 100 years of global events and issues. Includes 'behind the doors' insight.
- Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)Primary source maps and charts dating back to the 1400s. Contains more than 150,000 maps, charts and atlases complemented by manuscripts, field notes, expedition reports, scrapbooks, correspondence, diaries, illustrations, and sketches.
- Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) ArchivePrimary resources (maps, manuscripts, photos, fieldwork, proceedings, etc.) from the RAI of Great Britain and Ireland. Includes a 150,000-image library of ethnographic photographs dating back to the 1860s. Research interests covered in anthropology, colonial students, botany, and more.
- Refugees and Relief: Forced Migration and World War II Digital ArchiveChronicles the plight of refugees and displaced persons across Europe, North Africa, and Asia from 1935 to 1950, bringing together over 590,000 pages of pamphlets, ephemera, government documents, relief organization publications, and refugee reports that recount the causes, effects and responses to refugee crises before, during and shortly after World War II.
- North American Immigrant Diaries, Letters and Oral HistoriesLetters, diaries and transcripts of oral histories that provide an unique view of immigration to the United States and Canada between 1800-1950.
- Slavic and Eastern European Studies in Video
Offers a resource for scholars to gain insights into Eastern Europe's history, culture, and contemporary landscape, by providing an exploration of pivotal moments that have shaped these countries, encompassing political upheavals, wars, and geopolitical shifts.
- Soviet Woman Digital Archive (DA-SW)The Soviet Woman digital archive contains all obtainable published issues from the very first issue, comprising more than 500 issues and over 7,500 articles. The Soviet Woman digital archive offers scholars the most comprehensive collection available for this title, and features full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and searchable text, and is cross-searchable with numerous other East. Archive spans1945-1991.
- Russian Anarchist Periodicals of the Early 20th CenturyFocusing on the history of Russia during the revolutionary period, from the perspective of metropolitan and provincial newspapers and journals published by the most radical political forces.
- Pravda Digital Archive, 1912-present
Full-text full-image access to the Russian newspaper, Pravda. Searching can be done with cyrillic-enabled keyboards, the databases' virtual cyrillic keyboard, or with transliteration.
- Izvestiia Digital Archive, 1917-2010The complete archive of Izvestiia, the Kremlin's newspaper of record. The Izvestiia Digital Archive is full-image with text, allows browsing and is full-text searchable. Also has a Cyrillic virtual keyboard and the ability to search in transliteration.
- Ogonek Digital Archive.One of the oldest weekly magazines in Russia, this digital archive contains all obtainable published issues from 1923 on. It is the most comprehensive collection available for this title and features full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and searchable text.
- Gerritsen Collection - Women's History OnlineMonographs, journals, and pamphlets reflecting the evolution of a feminist consciousness and women's rights up through the mid-twentieth century. Coverage: 1543-1945.
- Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires Since 182075,000 pages of documents pertaining to women in the global history of empires and post-colonial societies since 1820.
- Women and Social Movements, International, 1840 to PresentOnline archive of published and manuscript primary sources focusing on women's international activism since the mid-nineteenth century.
- LGBT Magazine Archive (1954 - 2015)Archival runs of 26 of the most influential, longest-running serial publications covering LGBT interests. Chronicles more than six decades of the history and culture of the LGBT community. Some publications may contain explicit content.
- Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and CulturePrimary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. With material dating back to the sixteenth century,you can examine how sexual norms have changed over time, health and hygiene, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, changing gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and many other interesting topical areas.
- World Development IndicatorsContains statistical data for over 800 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 220 countries and country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. See the Data Manual for information on what is covered.
- International Historical Statistics, 1750-2010This database provides key economic and social indicators for the last 260 years gathered from a multitude of statistical sources.