Subject Guides

Finding and Using Streaming Video: Finding Streaming Video

How to locate on-demand and online videos and movies and provide easy access to it for your students..

Finding Streaming Video

Research Assistance

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Using Kanopy

If you are an instructor or faculty, please read Requesting a Title in Kanopy before you assign a title for your class. 

Requesting a Title

Subject Librarians will make considerations on a case-by-case basis.
Please fill out a request form.

Databases With Video Content

Using Find it!

By starting with a general term or keyword, it is possible to narrow down a search to video options using the Find it! search box on the Libraries' home page by applying the filters on the left side of the screen. 

On the left side of the screen, look for the AVAILABILITY filter, and select "Full Text Online."   Then under MATERIAL TYPE, select "Audio Visual."     You may need to click on the "Show More" link in the MATERIAL TYPE filter to see the Audio Visual option. 

A collection of all streaming video titles with  perpetual access rights can be located in Find it!.  These titles will not expire, so access is preserved.

Commerical Sites

Commercial pay for view services, such as Amazon Prime, Netflix and Hulu, often restrict the use of their services to personal use only.  Under fair use, this would prohibit the streaming of this content in the classroom. 

However, it does not prohibit the assignment of such material to watch through personal accounts outside of the classroom.  As with all online material, accessibility issues and cost to the student(s) should be considered.

These sites allow you to quickly determine where content may be available:

Open Access & Freely Available Steaming Video

Using Videos

Using Video for Instruction

Many of these databases have features which make it easy to assign these for students to watch for course assignments, and which make it very easy for students to embed or share the video as part of class projects such as presentations.

Binghamton University Libraries Course Reserves will work with course instructors to provide access to the video through Brightspace.

Video Source Permalink Transcripts Closed Captioning PPR (see below for information)
AVON Yes  use the Embed/Share button under each video  Yes  Yes Yes, for on campus viewership if no fees are charged
APA Video Introduction to Psychotherapy Systems Yes - use the
Permalink button
Yes No No
Bates Streaming Video Yes - copy the URL of
the title of video (i.e Vol 1: Head to Toe Assessment: Adult)
No Yes No
Opera in Video Yes - the video URL
is the permalink
Yes Yes - most content No
Theatre In Video Yes - the video URL
is the permalink
Yes Yes - most content No
Black Studies Center Yes - Durable URL
link provided for each video
No software will play captions if available No
HistoryMakers Digital Archive Yes - the page URL  Yes Yes No
Human Rights Studies Online Yes - the video URL is the permalink Yes Yes - most content No
JoVE Yes - DOI is available for each article summary articles provided No No
Kanopy Yes -  Use the share link  Yes  Yes  Generally yes, for on campus viewership if no fees are charged

Public Performance Rights (PPR)

What are Public Performance Rights?
Public Performance Rights (PPR) are the right to show media to groups outside of regular classroom use.  The producer or distributor assigns the rights for public performance.   

When is PPR needed?
A PPR is needed if media will be shown outside of home viewing or classroom use.  This includes film series, student or faculty sponsored lectures, and club events.    

What happens if a PPR is not obtained?
The sponsoring group of the event can be put at legal risk; as well as the owner/renter of the media that was shown without the PPR license.  For example, if it was a film owned or watched through the Libraries databases, the Libraries' access to the database could be revoked, among other risks.

Does any media purchased by Binghamton University Libraries have the PPR?
Videos found in Kanopy and Avon which have PPR licenses by default.  If you have a question concerning an individual title and its PPR license, please contact  Sarah Maximiek, Head of Acquisitions

Does my club or group have to purchase the DVD or streaming video if we want to use it for a public viewing?
Often, your group or club may be able to rent access along with the license.  If the Libraries' already own the title, you may be able to rent the PPR license for a lower cost.   However, it is up to the producer/distrubter. 

Will the Libraries help pay for the PPR license? 
The Libraries does not pay extra or individually for PPR licenses. 

Obtaining the PPR license for media

The group or person who shows a title publicly is responsible for obtaining the PPR license, even if it is a title already owned by the Libraries.

These are some groups that can assist in securing a PPR license.  Information about the media that they own the rights for can be found on each site:

Making Media Accessible

The Services for Students with Disability (SSD) Office at Binghamton University  will work with faculty and instructors who have SSD-registered students in their classes to make sure that assigned media viewing is fully accessible.   Binghamton University Libraries maintains a close relationship with SSD to assist in making these materials available, and as possible will work to provide suitable viewing areas as needed and possible.  Please see the Libraries' Accessibility Services page for more information.

If faculty are interested in making their own videos or similar course content accessible, then the SSD Accessible Course Materials Page provides information on making the material fully accessible.