Subject Guides
- Binghamton University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Subject Guides
- History
- Women, Gender, & Sexuality
Guide Contents
Reference/Tertiary Sources
- Oxford Dictionary of National BiographyBiographies of people who shaped the history of the British Isles and beyond, from the 4th century BC to the 21st century.
Secondary Sources
- Women's Studies InternationalCovers the core disciplines in Women’s Studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research. Covers 1972 - present.
- Bloomsbury Medieval StudiesInterdisciplinary combination of primary material and secondary scholarship, providing access to ebooks, the Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages, digitized images of primary source materials, and more. Also includes the Medieval Clothing and Textiles Collection - featuring multiple examinations of specific clothing items and studies in the weaving, embroidering, and exporting of clothing and textiles around Medieval Europe.
- PAIS IndexCovers issues in public affairs and policy issues through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources. Coverage: 1915 - present.
- World History Collection
Scholarly articles covering a wide scope of world historical events.
- Historical Abstracts with Full TextCovers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present.
Primary Sources
- AM Explorer
Access millions of pages of primary source collections across the entire portfolio of Adam Matthew Digital, spanning content from the 15th-21st centuries.
- Nineteenth Century Collections Online
A digital collection of books, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, ephemera, and maps that cover politics and society, literature, spirituality, technology and more.
- American Periodicals Series Online, 1740-1940Includes special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines, and others of historical interest.
- Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
Provides a window on events, culture, and daily life in nineteenth-century America that is of interest to both professional and general researchers. Major newspapers stand alongside those published by African Americans, Native Americans, women’s rights groups, labor groups, and the Confederacy.
- Proquest History Vault
Documents that cover the Civil Rights and Black Freedom Struggle. Southern Life, Slavery and the Civil War, Women's Studies and Rights, American Politics (1960-1975), and the Vietnam War. All with a U.S. focus.
- Gerritsen Collection - Women's History OnlineMonographs, journals, and pamphlets reflecting the evolution of a feminist consciousness and women's rights up through the mid-twentieth century. Coverage: 1543-1945.
- Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
The collection currently includes 145 document projects and document archives with 6700 documents and more than 200,000 pages of additional full-text documents, written by 3000 primary authors. The database also contains numerous collections of primary sources, including the Writings of Black Women Suffragists and Publications of State and Local Commissions on the Status of Women.
- Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires Since 182075,000 pages of documents pertaining to women in the global history of empires and post-colonial societies since 1820.
- Women and Social Movements, International, 1840 to PresentOnline archive of published and manuscript primary sources focusing on women's international activism since the mid-nineteenth century.
- Church Missionary Society ArchiveA rich repository of source materials on the work of this globally influential organisation, founded in 1799 as an Anglican evangelical movement and still active today. Records from the Angelican evangelical missions, spanning the globe, dating back to 1799. Includes the first mission to Japan and womens' education missions.
- North American Immigrant Diaries, Letters and Oral HistoriesLetters, diaries and transcripts of oral histories that provide an unique view of immigration to the United States and Canada between 1800-1950.
- Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers Digital Archive (Parts 1 & 2)Documents the ACLU’s legal battle to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in thirteen Southern states. Consists of case files, correspondence, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, etc. and offers a primary source perspective on civil rights issues from voting rights to the dismantling of the Jim Crow system.
- ATLA Historical Monographs Collection: Series 2Consists of over five million pages of content from over 14,880 monographs dating from 1894 through 1922. This collection provides a broad view of the changing landscape of religion in America at the end of a century of dramatic cultural and political change.
- Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 2An archive of publications focused exclusively on U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture from colonial times until 1960. Available in two series, Series 2 focuses on Hispanic American civil rights, religion and women’s rights from the 18th through the 20th century. Content is written, indexed and searchable in Spanish and English
- Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and CulturePrimary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. With material dating back to the sixteenth century,you can examine how sexual norms have changed over time, health and hygiene, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, changing gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and many other interesting topical areas.
- LGBT Magazine Archive (1954 - 2015)Archival runs of 26 of the most influential, longest-running serial publications covering LGBT interests. Chronicles more than six decades of the history and culture of the LGBT community. Some publications may contain explicit content.
- Bloomsbury Medieval StudiesInterdisciplinary combination of primary material and secondary scholarship, providing access to ebooks, the Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages, digitized images of primary source materials, and more. Also includes the Medieval Clothing and Textiles Collection - featuring multiple examinations of specific clothing items and studies in the weaving, embroidering, and exporting of clothing and textiles around Medieval Europe.
- Archives UnboundIncludes dozens of rare primary source documents organized by topic/ focus which span European colonialism, 1960s social movements, womens' rights, African-American civil rights, the Holocaust, and the Tiananmen Square protest.
- Social ExplorerProvides access to US decennial census data from 1790 to 2010, American Community Survey data and selected business, economic, crime, health, environmental and religious data. It does not include data for all census geographies, particularly for earlier decennial censuses. Users can customize, save, print, export and email reports and maps