Subject Guides
Anti-Racism Research & Resource Guide
- Welcome & How To Use This Guide
- Anti-Racism Resources: Where to Start
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- Celebrating Black Voices
- Decolonizing Curricula
- Anti-Racism Resources for Higher Education
- Get Involved
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Popular/News Articles
- Envisioning Higher Education as AntiracistWritten by Krishni Metivier | Inside Higher Ed | 2020
- What Role Should Higher Education Play in Combating Racism?Written by Sara Weissman | Diverse Education | 2020
- Higher Education Should Lead the Efforts to Reverse Structural RacismWritten by Freeman A. Hrabowski III, Peter H. Henderson, and J. Kathleen Tracy | The Atlantic | 2020
Scholarly/Academic Articles
- Beyond Colorblindness and Multiculturalism: Rethinking Anti-Racist Pedagogy in the University ClassroomWritten by Priya Kandaswamy | Radical teacher | 2007
- "Do We Have to Call It That?" The Response of Neoliberal Multiculturalism to College Antiracism EffortsWritten by Case, Alissa ; Ngo, Bic | Multicultural perspectives | 2017
- Decolonizing the Academy - Between a Rock and a Hard PlaceWritten by Jivraj, Suhraiya | Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies | 2020
- Building the Anti-racist University: Next StepsWritten by Shirley Anne Tate | Race, Ethnicity and Education | 2017
- The Performance of “Antiracism” CurriculaWritten by Gutierrez, Kevin J | The New England Journal of Medicine| 2020
- Institutional Commitments to Diversity and Social Justice Displayed on Websites: A content AnalysisWritten by LePeau, Lucy A; Hurtado, Sarah; Davis, Ryan J. | College Student Affairs Journal | 2016
- “Everybody seems to get along . . .”: An Institutional Case Study about Campus Race RelationsWritten by Darris R. Means | The College student affairs journal | 2016
- Development and initial validation of the anti-racism behavioral inventory (ARBI).Pieterse, A. L ; Utsey, S. O ; Miller, M. | Counselling Psychology Quarterly | 2016
- The Enlightenment Narrative: White Student Leaders' Preoccupation With Racial InnocenceWritten by Zak Foste | Journal of Diversity in Higher Education | 2020
Podcasts & Videos
- Dismantling Race in Higher Education - Jason Arday & Heidi Mirza | Between the Lines | 36 min.Dismantling Race in Higher Education: Racism, Whiteness and Decolonising the Academy, reveals the roots of structural racism that limit social mobility and equality within Britain for Black and ethnicised students and academics in its inherently white Higher Education institutions.
- Dismantling Systemic Racism in Student Affairs | SA Voices from the Field | 46 min.SA Voices From the Field offers a cross-over episode with Alexandra Hughes, host of the Association for Student Conduct Administration (ASCA) ASCA Viewpoints podcast as they discuss dismantling systemic racism in Student Affairs.
Antiracism in Higher Education: A Conversation with Ibram X. Kendi | Harvard Radcliffe Institute | 58 min.
Confronting racism in higher education | Times Higher Education | 61 min.
"I focus on the aspects that I can control" | Dr Jason Arday | Leading Routes | 8 min.
Additional Resources
- How to Write an Anti-Racism Action Plan: A Self-Paced Guidebook"We are called in the current moment to actively move from non-racist thinking to anti-racist actions.This guide is targeted for those who are beginners to engaging in anti-racism work."
- 3 Ways to Be Unwaveringly Anti-Racist as a Student Affairs ProfessionalWritten by Marcelius Braxton | Presence Blog | 2019
- 5 Things You Can Do To Combat White Supremacy - NASPAWritten by Leslie Hughes | NASPA Blog | 2021
- Student Affairs Educators Supporting Student ActivistsWritten by Kaler, L.; Stebleton M. J. | NASPA Blog | 2020
- When Addressing Anti-Racism—Not Just What, But HowACPA (American College Personnel Association) BLM Blog
- 4 Ways to Apply Your Anti-Racism Efforts to Virtual EnvironmentsWritten by Marcelius Braxton | Presence Blog | 2020
- Last Updated: Jan 28, 2025 12:42 PM
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