Subject Guides
*Asian Studies
The libraries collections and other online resources related to Asia.
Guide Contents
eBooks about Asia
- Brill's PublicationsTo access Brill’s new publications with over 3000 on Asian Studies.
- ACLS Humanities E-BookCollection of over 1400 full-text, cross searchable books covering topics of interest to historians and humanities scholars.
Open sources
- Asia-Studies Full-Text OnlineAsia-Studies Full-Text Online is the premier database for the study of modern Asia Pacific. As the exclusive licensee for many of the region's most prestigious research institutions, brings together thousands of full-text reports covering 55 countries* on a multitude of business, government, economic, and social issues.
- Internet ArchiveInternet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, and more.
- Chinamaxx Digital Libraries / Zhong wen ji xianFree ebooks in Chinese. Client required to download and read.
- California Digital Newspaper CollectionThis collection contains over 1 million pages of significant historical California newspapers published from 1846 - present.
- Academic Search Ultimate
Covers over 11,000 journals in all fields of study.
- Alternative Press IndexIndexes nearly 300 alternative, radical and left periodicals, newspapers and magazines covering cultural, economic, political & social change. Includes selected abstracts from research journals. With the ability to change the search language as needed.
- Gale Primary SourcesSearches the Archives Unbound Collections plus the following collections...
- Bibliography of Asian StudiesContains records on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide. Through the 1991 printed version, the BAS included citations to western-language periodical articles.
- Center for Research LibrariesCRL has numerous research materials in addition to those found in their catalog. Searchable Special Collection Databases include Foreign Newspapers, U.S. Ethnic Newspapers, Current Serial Titles from the States of the Former Soviet Union, Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Papers, Foreign Doctoral Dissertations, and Current Science Serials.
- Ethnic NewsWatchA full-text collection of articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority, and native press.
- HRAF World Cultures This link opens in a new windoweHraf is an unique cross-cultural database containing more than a quarter of a million pages of descriptive information on the cultures of the world. Includes the full text of ethnographic books, journal articles and other materials that are indexed by culture and subject.
- Humanities Source UltimateThe database provides full-text of hundreds of journals ( i.e. Korean studies), books and other published sources from around the world.
- JSTORPrimarily a journal archive with some current content. If you are looking for current information, you may want to try other databases as well.
- Nexis Uni
NexisUni provides access to 15,000+ news, business and legal sources. If a sign-in button appears, click the button for access.
- Nineteenth Century Collections OnlineThe subset of "Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange" will enable students and scholars to examine a selection of records that constitute a political and social history of Western interaction with a number of Asian countries during the nineteenth century. Most of the manuscript collections in this archive consist of the British Foreign Office and United States consular and diplomatic records. These records were generally maintained in the local consular or diplomatic posts and reflect the day-to-day accounting of the activities of the indigenous populations and their national governments, the expansion of trade, and the exercise of extraterritorial rights and treaty provisions.
- U.S. Declassified Documents Online Many documents on the Korean War, the Vietnam War, U.S. relations with non-aligned states in the 1960s, the communist China & etc.
- WorldCatMillions of records cataloged by libraries around the world.
- America's Historical Newspapers
Fully searchable collection of founding newspapers, documenting America's past. The Libraries subscribes to Early American Newspapers Series 1: From Colonies to Nations and Early American Newspapers Series 10: Regional Pioneers.
- Academic Video Online AVONOne of the Collections in the Alexader Street is called Asian Film Online. It offers a view of Asian culture as seen through the lens of the independent Asian filmmaker. Through a selection of over 1,000 narrative feature films, documentaries and more.
- New York Times, 1851-2019 (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. For more recent coverage, use our Journal Title search.
Asian & Asian American Studies Librarian

Julie Wang
LN 2301
Subjects: Asian & Asian American Studies