Subject Guides
Engineering Design Division
Guide Contents
Subject Librarian

Aleshia Huber
102F Science Library
(607) 777-4902
Subjects: Engineering & Applied Science
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Library Tutorials
- Library Tutorials Main PageLists all available library tutorials
- General Database Search StrategiesGuide on various search strategies to broaden or narrow your search, including choosing keywords, using boolean operators, and more.
- Evaluating Sourcesshort video on how to evaluate a source
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL)Guide on how to submit an ILL request. Login to submit a request via your BU login.
- Evaluating WebpagesCan you use that website in a paper? This page will help you evaluate it.
- What is a Scholarly Journal?Not sure if your article is scholarly? This guide will help you distinguish scholarly articles from popular magazine and trade magazine articles.
- Finding ebooksTutorial on how to search ebooks as well as how to use ebooks on our most popular ebook platforms, ProQuest Ebook Central and EBSCOhost.
- APA Tutorialinteractive library tutorial on APA style 7th
- Paraphrasing, Quoting, and SummarizingLibrary tutorial on the differences of paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing.