Subject Guides
- Binghamton University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Course Pages
- Engineering Design Division
- Project 5: Portable Active Workstation
Engineering Design Division
Guide Contents
Subject Librarian

Aleshia Huber
102F Science Library
(607) 777-4902
Subjects: Engineering & Applied Science
The Rules of Work: a practical engineering guide to ergonomics by
ISBN: 9781439899069Publication Date: 2012-10-23A practical guide for solving ergonomics problems. It provides a framework for evaluating tasks using low-tech, non-quantitative methods, along with an overview of the standard measuring systems.Office Ergonomics by
ISBN: 9781498747974Publication Date: 2016-10-03In-depth guide to office ergonomics, from lighting to sound. Ch. 5 focuses on Chairs and Other Furniture.Handbook of Energy Harvesting Power Supplies and Applications by
ISBN: 9780429087288Publication Date: 2015-06-01This book describes the fundamentals and principles of energy harvesting and provides the necessary theory and background to develop energy harvesting power supplies. Ch. 12 has information on consumer electronics and human-power energy.Functional Materials for Sustainable Energy Applications by
ISBN: 9780857096371Publication Date: 2012-09-28An essential guide to the development and application of functional materials in sustainable energy production. Ch. 17 provides information on materials and techniques for energy harvesting
- World Health Organization's Reports on Physical ActivityReports that provide data and recommendations regarding physical activity/exercise
- UL 1647 Motor-Operated Massage and Exercise MachinesThe Underwriter's Laboratory creates electrical standards. Most UL standards are free to view online. You need to create a free UL account in order to view them. The "digital view" button will open the standard's online viewer. The online viewer only allows you to click page-by-page; there is no search function or download available. There are other UL standards referenced in this document. If you wish to view them, there is a "referenced standards" tab with links to open them. Additionally, you can search UL's catalog for more electrical standards.
Recommended Journals
The recommended journals below publish in areas related to your topic and may be useful to search individually or browse through. However, all of the databases listed beneath this section provide results of thousands of peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and other sources and will provide more results.
- IEEE Transactions on Consumer ElectronicsPeer-reviewed journal: Engineering and research aspects of the theory, design, construction, manufacture or end use of mass market electronics, systems, software and services for consumers. To search specifically within that one journal, check the "search within publication" box under the search bar.
- Journal of Physical Activity and HealthPeer-reviewed journal published for public health researchers and clinical practitioners whose work contributes to a healthier lifestyle and improved wellbeing with a focus on chronic disease, injury prevention, and physical activity promotion.
- ErgonomicsPeer-reviewed journal publishing original research on ergonomics through all lenses, including including physical, cognitive, organisational and environmental ergonomics.
Physiology, Exercise, and Health Sciences Databases
- Sportdiscus with Full TextCovers sports and sports medicine research, including records from leading sports medicine journals, books, dissertations and more.
- PubMedFrom the National Library of Medicine. Includes over 14 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
- CINAHL UltimateExtensive coverage of nursing, allied health, biomedical, and consumer health. Full text of the most influential journals in nursing.
- MEDLINE with Full TextFull text of authoritative medical information from such fields as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, and pre-clinical sciences.
General Engineering & Applied Science Databases
- Academic Search Ultimate
Covers over 11,000 journals in all fields of study.
- Applied Science & Technology Source UltimateTopics include artificial intelligence, applied mathematics, plastics, hydroponics, computer science, chemical engineering, energy resources and robotics, as well as the business and social implications of new technologies. Includes full-text articles.
- ASME DatabaseProvides full-text access to journals and recent conference proceedings by the American Society for Mechanical Engineers.
- Engineering Village (Compendex)A comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering database referencing engineering journals and conference materials. Coverage: 1884-present.
- Science DirectFull-text access to Elsevier journals subscribed to by SUNY institutions. To view journals choose "Browse Journals" under Licensed users.
- IEEE Xplore Digital LibraryProvides full-text access to IEEE and IET transactions, journals, and magazines, select conference proceedings, and current standards. IEEE content published since 1988, plus select content from multiple publishers dating back to 1872, is available. Includes IEEE Journal Archive (1884-1999) and IEEE Conference Proceedings Archive (1936-1999).
- Web of ScienceCovers the citation indexes: Science, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Book Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports
- Google ScholarFinds scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. If you use this Google Scholar link, you will be able to use the Get it link to take advantage of the Libraries' full text and InterLibrary Loan services.
- JSTORPrimarily a journal archive with some current content. If you are looking for current information, you may want to try other databases as well.