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- Engineering Design Division
- Project 2: Binghamton University Student-Run Animal Shelter
Engineering Design Division
Guide Contents
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Below is a list of recommended ebooks that relate to your project.
As you research more and expand the scope of your project idea, you may wish to consult books on another topic. You can search the Library Catalog to find more books. See this tutorial on finding and using ebooks for guidance.
Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff by
ISBN: 1119421314Publication Date: 2017-05-06Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff presents and evaluates the available research and programs that address both animal and human behaviors associated with the intake, management and rehoming of dog and cats. Introductions to dog and cat behavior relevant to any animal professional Reviews behavioral reasons for the relinquishment of dogs and cats Describes intake and assessment protocol, shelter design, training and enrichment programs that reduce stress and enhance behavioral well-being Concepts to improve the adoption process and support the human-animal bond post-adoptionHandbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy by
ISBN: 0128014369Publication Date: 2015-05-12In reading this book, therapists will discover the benefits of incorporating animal-assisted therapy (AAT) into their practices, best practices in animal-assisted intervention, how to design and implement animal-assisted interventions, and the efficacy of AAT with different disorders and patient populations. Coverage includes the use of AAT with children, the elderly, those receiving palliative care, as well as people with chronic disorders, AIDS, trauma, and autistic spectrum disorders. Additional chapters cover techniques for working with families, in juvenile and criminal justice systems, and in colleges and universities.Cat Culture by
ISBN: 9781566399975Publication Date: 2002-01-01This work contends that the anti-social cat is a myth; cats form close bonds with humans and with each other. As volunteers in a local cat shelter for 11 years, Janet and Steven Alger came to realize that despite the frequency of new arrivals and adoptions, the social world of the shelter remained quite stable and pacific. They saw even feral cats adapt to interaction with humans and develop friendships with other cats. They saw established residents take roles as welcomers and rules enforcers. That is, they saw cats taking an active interest in maintaining a community in which they could live together and satisfy their individual needs.
- Design Learned Inc.Engineering Firm that specializes in Animal Care Facility Design
- Shelter Planners of AmericaShelter Design and Renovation Consulting Firm
- ASPCAAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing animal cruelty. Has articles on care and costs of cats and dogs.
- Campus Physical Facilities Building MapsFloor Layouts for all campus buildings available on this page. **restricted to on-campus access only. Must use campus VPN for wi-fi connection**
Standards & Guidelines
- The Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal SheltersDeveloped by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians. Published in the Association of Shelter Veterinarians journal, The Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health.
- ICAM Guidelines for the design and management of animal sheltersInternational Companion Animal Management Coalition (ICAM) supports the development and use of humane and effective companion animal population management worldwide. This document is guidance is set out all the areas to consider when building an animal shelter. Pg. 9 offers some brief financial considerations.
Recommended Journals and Magazines
The recommended journals and magazines below publish in areas related to your topic and may be useful to search individually or browse through. However, all of the databases listed beneath this section provide results of thousands of peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and other sources and will provide more results.
- Animal Sheltering MagazineArchive of the Trade Magazine published by the Humane Society of the United States. You can use the grey bar at the top of the page to browse articles by topic. See below for the magazine's shelter design topic page.
- Animal Sheltering Magazine: Shelter DesignAnimal Sheltering Magazine articles on Shelter Design
- Journal of Applied Animal Ethics ResearchPeer-reviewed journal that publishes research on ethical issues involved in all dimensions of animal welfare
Animal Science Databases
- Zoological RecordCovers all aspects of modern animal research, including such topics as behavior, genetics, ecology and more. Coverage: 1864 - present.
- AGRICOLAAGRICOLA contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library.
- PubMedFrom the National Library of Medicine. Includes over 14 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
General Engineering & Applied Science Databases
- Academic Search Ultimate
Covers over 11,000 journals in all fields of study.
- Applied Science & Technology Source UltimateTopics include artificial intelligence, applied mathematics, plastics, hydroponics, computer science, chemical engineering, energy resources and robotics, as well as the business and social implications of new technologies. Includes full-text articles.
- ASME DatabaseProvides full-text access to journals and recent conference proceedings by the American Society for Mechanical Engineers.
- Engineering Village (Compendex)A comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering database referencing engineering journals and conference materials. Coverage: 1884-present.
- Science DirectFull-text access to Elsevier journals subscribed to by SUNY institutions. To view journals choose "Browse Journals" under Licensed users.
- IEEE Xplore Digital LibraryProvides full-text access to IEEE and IET transactions, journals, and magazines, select conference proceedings, and current standards. IEEE content published since 1988, plus select content from multiple publishers dating back to 1872, is available. Includes IEEE Journal Archive (1884-1999) and IEEE Conference Proceedings Archive (1936-1999).
- Web of ScienceCovers the citation indexes: Science, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Book Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports
- Google ScholarFinds scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. If you use this Google Scholar link, you will be able to use the Get it link to take advantage of the Libraries' full text and InterLibrary Loan services.
- JSTORPrimarily a journal archive with some current content. If you are looking for current information, you may want to try other databases as well.