Subject Guides
How To Do Library Research
Web pages and other resources for research assistance.
Guide Contents
Search Strategies
There are lots of different strategies that you can use to strengthen your search and make it easier to find what you need. These include:
- Tips and TricksThere are lots of tips and tricks you can use when searching a database, this includes using AND, OR, and NOT as well as using different punctuation.
- Using Keywordsbrainstorming and developing a list of keywords can help you when you get stuck. Sometimes trying new words or language in a search can help you find what you need.
- Types of InformationYou will need to search in different places for different types of information, so it can be helpful to think about the types of information you need as you search.
- Publication CyclesYou can also identify the different types of information by when it was published, this is referred to as the publication cycle.