Subject Guides
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- Spanish
- Romance Language Linguistics Resources
Guide Contents
Linguistics Database
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)This database abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences and covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Coverage: 1973 - current
- Linguistics DatabaseFull-text database with scholarly journal articles and other sources covering linguistics
- Anthropology PlusIndexed materials focus on topics of anthropology, archaeology, and related disciplines.
- Language and LinguisticsFocuses on theoretical language and linguistic study of East Asia and Pacific regions, thus compassing (inter alia) Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian, Austroasiatic and Altaic.
- Annual Review of Applied LinguisticsCovers bilingualism and multilingualism, pedagogical approaches, discourse analysis, innovation in language teaching, language use in professional contexts, language testing, language policy and sociolinguistics.
- Canadian Journal of Applied LinguisticsDeals with the various aspects of applied linguistics: mother tongue and second-language teaching, first and second language acquisition, bilingual education, sociolinguistics, language planning, sociology of language, psycholinguistics, literacy, applied phonetics, translation/terminology and multimedia and language teaching.
- International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language TeachingIRAL is devoted to problems of general and applied linguistics in their various forms. IRAL's long-term interest lies in areas of research which concern first- and second-language acquisition (including sign language and gestural systems).
E Books
The Blackwell Companion to Syntax by
ISBN: 1405178418Publication Date: 2008-04-15This long-awaited reference work marks the culmination of numerous years of research and international collaboration by the world's leading syntacticians. Explores a comprehensive range of syntax topics from an historical perspective. Serves as a research tool for not only theoretical linguistics but also the various forms of applied linguistics. Contains an accessible alphabetical structure, with an index integral to each volume featuring keywords and key figures.Bringing Linguistics into the Spanish Language Classroom by
ISBN: 042902522XPublication Date: 2021-03-30Bringing Linguistics into the Spanish Language Classroom is a practical, time-saving resource that allows teachers to easily integrate the most interesting and important findings of Hispanic linguistics into their Spanish language classes. Teachers will find classroom-ready explanations and PowerPoint slides for each topic covered, as well as instructions and materials for in-class activities and take-home projects that will engage students in this fresh take on the target language. Slide presentations for each chapter are available online at The book covers aspects of Spanish from the trilled r to the personal a, from Indo-European origins to modern dialects, and from children's first words to adult speech errors. An innovative set of five linguistics-based essential questions organizes and contextualizes this wide range of material: How is Spanish different from other languages? How is Spanish similar to other languages? What are the roots of Spanish? How does Spanish vary? How do people learn and use Spanish? Fully customizable to teacher and student interest, proficiency level, and time available in class, this book is ideal for Spanish language teachers looking to incorporate valuable linguistic insights into their curricula, even if they lack prior knowledge of this field. It is an excellent resource for Hispanic linguistics courses as well.The Cambridge Handbook of Spanish Linguistics by
ISBN: 9781107174825Publication Date: 2018-08-23A state-of-the-art, in-depth survey of the topics, approaches and theories in Spanish linguistics today. The language is researched from a number of different perspectives. This Handbook surveys the major advances and findings, with a special focus on recent accomplishments in the field. It provides an accurate and complete overview of research, as well as facilitating future directions. It encourages the reader to make connections between chapters and units, and promotes cross-theoretical dialogue. The contributions are by a wide range of specialists, writing on topics including corpus linguistics, phonology and phonetics, morphosyntax, pragmatics, the role of the speaker and speech context, language acquisition and grammaticalization. This is a must-have volume for researchers looking to contextualize their own research and for students seeking a one-stop resource on Spanish linguistics.The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics by
ISBN: 9781108485791Publication Date: 2022-07-07The Romance languages and dialects constitute a treasure trove of linguistic data of profound interest and significance. Data from the Romance languages have contributed extensively to our current empirical and theoretical understanding of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and historical linguistics. Written by a team of world-renowned scholars, this Handbook explores what we can learn about linguistics from the study of Romance languages, and how the body of comparative and historical data taken from them can be applied to linguistic study. It also offers insights into the diatopic and diachronic variation exhibited by the Romance family of languages, of a kind unparalleled for any other Western languages. By asking what Romance languages can do for linguistics, this Handbook is essential reading for all linguists interested in the insights that a knowledge of the Romance evidence can provide for general issues in linguistic theory.Encyclopedia of Linguistics by
ISBN: 9781135455231Publication Date: 2013-02-01Utilizing a historical and international approach, this valuable two-volume resource makes even the more complex linguistic issues understandable for the non-specialized reader. Containing over 500 alphabetically arranged entries and an expansive glossary by a team of international scholars, the Encyclopedia of Linguistics explores the varied perspectives, figures, and methodologies that make up the field.El Español en Contacto Con Otras Lenguas by
ISBN: 9781589012653Publication Date: 2009-07-10El español en contacto con otras lenguas is the first comprehensive historical, social, and linguistic overview of Spanish in contact with other languages in all of its major contexts--in Spain, the United States, and Latin America. Carol A. Klee and Andrew Lynch explore the historical and social factors that have shaped contact varieties of the Spanish language, synthesizing the principle arguments and theories about language contact, and examining linguistic changes in Spanish phonology, morphology and syntax, and pragmatics.Iconicity and Analogy in Language Change by
ISBN: 1501500988Publication Date: 2015-09-25This book examines the alternation between accusative-dative and dative-accusative order in Old Florentine clitic clusters and its decline in favor of the latter.International Encyclopedia of Linguistics by
ISBN: 9780195139778Publication Date: 2003-05-01The International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2nd Edition encompasses the full range of the contemporary field of linguistics, including historical, comparative, formal, mathematical, functional, and philosophical linguistics with special attention given to interrelations within branches of linguistics and to relations of linguistics with other disciplines. Areas of intersection with the social and behavioral sciences--ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and behavioral linguistics--receive major coverage, along with interdisciplinary work in language and literature, mathematical linguistics, computational linguistics, and applied linguistics.Manuel de Linguistique Française by
ISBN: 9783110302219Publication Date: 2015-09-20The Manuel de linguistique francaise provides a concise, critical overview of the historical foundations and the current situation of the French language and introduces its readers to the most important topics and questions of present-day linguistic research on French. Compared with other reference works currently available on the market, this manual provides a lot of additional and updated information."Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2013 by
ISBN: 9027267812Publication Date: 2015-12-02The Going Romance conferences are a major European annual discussion forum for theoretically relevant research on Romance languages. This volume assembles a selection of the papers that were presented at the 27th edition of Going Romance, which was organized by the University of Amsterdam in November 2013. The papers present the theoretical analysis of subjects that cover three main themes of interest within current Romance linguistics: word order, the verb, and the DP. The range of languages discussed is broad, and includes not only standard continental but also non-continental Romance languages, and not only standard languages, but also dialectal variation. Furthermore Romance is analyzed not only from a synchronic perspective (including acquisition), but also from a diachronic point of view.The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Morphology by
ISBN: 9780429318191Publication Date: 2021-05-03The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Morphology presents a state-of-the-art, detailed and exhaustive overview of all aspects of Spanish morphology, paying equal attention to the empirical complexities of the morphological system and the theoretical issues that they raise. As such, this handbook is relevant both for those interested in the facts of Spanish morphology and those interested in general morphology that want to explore how the Spanish facts illuminate our understanding of human language and current theories of morphology. This volume is also unique in its extent and coverage. Written by an international team of leading experts in the field, it contains 42 chapters divided into four sections, covering all synchronic and diachronic aspects of Spanish morphology, including inflection; derivation; compounding and other processes of word formation; the interaction of morphology with other modules of grammar and the role of morphology in language acquisition, psycholinguistics and language teaching.Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2013 by
ISBN: 9027267812Publication Date: 2015-12-02The Going Romance conferences are a major European annual discussion forum for theoretically relevant research on Romance languages. This volume assembles a selection of the papers that were presented at the 27th edition of Going Romance, which was organized by the University of Amsterdam in November 2013. The papers present the theoretical analysis of subjects that cover three main themes of interest within current Romance linguistics: word order, the verb, and the DP. The range of languages discussed is broad, and includes not only standard continental but also non-continental Romance languages, and not only standard languages, but also dialectal variation. Furthermore Romance is analyzed not only from a synchronic perspective (including acquisition), but also from a diachronic point of view.Varieties of Spoken French by
ISBN: 9780199573714Publication Date: 2016-09-28This book examines the variation found in modern spoken French, based on the research programme 'Phonology of Contemporary French' (Phonologie du Francais Contemporain, PFC). Extensive data are drawn from all over the French-speaking world, including Algeria, Canada, Louisiana, Mauritius, and Switzerland. Although the principal focus is on differences in pronunciation, the authors also analyse the spoken language at all levels from sound to meaning. The book is accompanied by a website hosting audio-visual material for teaching purposes, data, and a variety of tools for working with corpora. Varieties of Spoken French will be an invaluable resource for researchers, teachers, and students of all aspects of French language and linguistics.
Print Books
Romance Linguistics 2012 by
Call Number: Bartle Library Stacks PC11 .L53 2012ISBN: 9789027203878Publication Date: 2015-08-28This volume contains a selection of nineteen peer-reviewed papers from the 42nd annual Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL) held at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah, in 2012. The contributions cover a wide range of current topics in the areas of phonetics, phonology, syntax, interfaces, and diachronic Romance linguistics, with an emphasis on experimental approaches, in connection to L1 and L2 acquisition, code-switching and psycholinguistics.Cuban Spanish Dialectology by
Call Number: Bartle Stacks PC4854.C8 C83 2017ISBN: 9781626165106Publication Date: 2017-11-15Despite the significant presence of Cuban immigrants in the United States, current research on Cuban Spanish linguistics remains underexplored. This volume provides a state-of-the-art collection of articles from a range of theoretical perspectives and linguistic areas, including phonological and phonetic variation, morphosyntactic approaches, sociolinguistic perspectives, and heritage language acquisition.