Subject Guides

The Sustainability Hub

Equitable Sustainability Literacy Guide (ESLG)

        The Equitable Sustainability Literacy Guide (ESLG) is a website that was created by students at Binghamton University to educate you on environmental justice! Environmental Justice is the movement to bring equity and sustainability to all groups of people. ESLG was supported by a Carnegie-Whitney Grant from the American Library Association and by the Binghamton University Libraries! 

        Through the Binghamton University Libraries, lots of research was done to provide information on the significant impact of climate change and environmental hazards on various marginalized groups. Under the Environmental Justice tab, read topics such as "Environmental Racism" and "Indigenous Rights"! Each page is complete with a history of the injustice, social and environmental, a timeline of events, and suggestions on how you can make a difference! Then, click on the Resources tab for further vocabulary, books, articles, videos, podcasts, or learning tools! Also check out the Get Involved section, Debunking Myths section, and News section for more on Environmental Justice!

Environmental Justice Books in the Sustainability Collection

Clean and White: A History of Environmental Racism in the United States by Carl A. Zimring
A terrible thing to waste : environmental racism and its assault on the American mind by Harriet A. Washington
Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors by Carolyn Finney
The new American farmer : immigration, race, and the struggle for sustainability by Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern
Toxic communities : environmental racism, industrial pollution, and residential mobility by Dorceta E. Taylor
Environmental racism in the United States and Canada : seeking justice and sustainability by Bruce Johansen
The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice Articles

Popular/News Articles

Scholarly/Academic Articles

Environmental Justice Podcasts

Environmental Justice Videos

Additional Resources