Subject Guides
Data Analytics
A guide to resources to support the Data Analytics interdisciplinary Masters program.
Guide Contents
See Also
General Websites
- Analytics VidhayaArticles, tutorials, competitions, job listings, etc.
- Data Science DojoProvides tutorials and articles on data science, data engineering, big data analytics, AI, and machine learning.
- Edwin ChenChen teaches or provides information on how to bring improvements in algorithms and data analysis tools.
- Flowing DataExplores how we use analysis and visualization to understand data and ourselves. Has charts, tutorials, blog, etc.
- KDNuggetsData science news, online tutorials, webinars, articles, and more.
- Simply StatisticsThree biostatisistics professors from John Hopkins, Harvard, and Dana Farber Cancer Institute moderate this site which contains articles on how data is being used to solve complex problems.
Articles about Data Analytics
- ACM Digital LibraryGood source of data analytics articles.
- Applied Science & Technology Source UltimateTopics include artificial intelligence, applied mathematics, plastics, hydroponics, computer science, chemical engineering, energy resources and robotics, as well as the business and social implications of new technologies. Includes full-text articles.
- Business Source UltimateFor data analytics, use the term "software analytics".
- Engineering Village (Compendex)A comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering database referencing engineering journals and conference materials. Coverage: 1884-present.
- Google ScholarFinds scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. If you use this Google Scholar link, you will be able to use the Get it link to take advantage of the Libraries' full text and InterLibrary Loan services.
- IEEE Xplore Digital LibraryProvides full-text access to IEEE and IET transactions, journals, and magazines, select conference proceedings, and current standards. IEEE content published since 1988, plus select content from multiple publishers dating back to 1872, is available. Includes IEEE Journal Archive (1884-1999) and IEEE Conference Proceedings Archive (1936-1999).
- MathSciNetCovers the world's mathematical literature since 1940.
- Web of ScienceCovers the citation indexes: Science, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Book Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports
Subject Librarian

Colleen Hailey
Office 1528, Bartle Library, last one on left in the Reference area.