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Finding and Using Health Data & Statistics
- National Library of Medicine Course: Finding & Using Health StatisticsDesigned for educators, information specialists, and students in the health sciences, this course describes different types of health statistics, how they are collected, and where they can be found.
Binghamton University faculty and students have free access to NNLM courses. Create an account with your Binghamton University email to access these courses. - Cornell University: Finding Health Data and StatisticsA guide for beginners with links to research datasets, vital statistics, health behaviors and risks, diseases and conditions, reproductive and family health, & populations and communities.
New York State Data and Statistical Resources
- New York State Health Outcome Data by CountyHealth Outcomes tell us how long people live on average within a community, and how much physical and mental health people experience in a community while they are alive.
- New York State Open DataOpen NY is the award-winning initiative of policies, programs and tools that provide public access to digital data for collaboration and analysis. Empowering the public and government with data for the digital age.
- NYS Department of Education DataThe New York State Education Department (NYSED) is committed to making data available and easy to use. This site provides a first step in publicly reporting educational data so all interested parties can be better informed as they work to advance student achievement.
- Rockefeller Institute of GovernmentThe Rockefeller Institute of Government, in cooperation with the Office of the Governor and the New York State Division of the Budget, publishes the New York State Statistical Yearbook — a database for researchers in governmental functions such as education, transportation, and finances.
Federal Data Sources
- CDC Data & StatisticsBrowse Center for Disease Control statistics by topic.
- NCHS FastStatsQuick access to NCHS statistics organized by topic.
- Community Health Status IndicatorsAn interactive web application that produces health profiles for all 3,143 counties in the U.S.A.
- HealthyPeople.govThe Healthy People 2020 interactive data tool allows users to explore data and technical information related to the Healthy People 2020 objectives.
- Current Population SurveyThe Current Population Survey (CPS), sponsored jointly by the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), is the primary source of labor force statistics for the population of the United States, including health insurance statistics.
- America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-BeingAnnual report from including health and health care reports.
- State Heath Facts (Kaiser Family Foundation)Provides a variety of statistical snapshots of each state by topic, such as Medicaid figures, heath costs and budges, figures concerning women's heath, and more.
- Vital and Health Statistics SeriesContains information on diseases, demographics, health care utilization, health resources, mortality, marriage, and divorce gathered from the irregular National Health Interview Survey.
- County Health Rankings and Roadmaps (University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute)This online tool displays health measures for a specific U.S. county; compare data with other counties in the same state or similar counties in other states.
- AgingStatsFederal Interagency Forum on Aging-related statistics. Provides links to Excel charts, reports, presentations and papers.
- America's Health Rankings - (United Health Foundation)A yearly assessment of the relative healthiness of the nation, based upon analysis of comprehensive determining factors such as personal behaviors, the environment in which people live and work, the decisions made by public and elected officials and the quality of medical care delivered by health professionals.
- NIH Health StatisticsA guide from the National Library of Medicine with links to additional major sources of health and general statistics in the U.S. and a brief list of international resources.
- Last Updated: Jan 28, 2025 10:04 AM
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