Subject Guides
- Binghamton University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Subject Guides
- *Asian Studies
- Chinese Women Studies
*Asian Studies
Chinese women in history
Guide Contents
BBC / PBS 2007 Documentary
Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: Antiquity Through Sui, 1600 B. C. E. - 618 C. e by
ISBN: 1317475909Publication Date: 2015
Books in English
Women of the Tang Dynasty by
Call Number: Bartle Library Stacks (DS747.42 .W66 1999 )ISBN: 9622176321Publication Date: 2000The Close-Up series is the first of its kind to give you a concise introduction to individual aspects of China and its people. Women in Tang society enjoyed experimenting with ways to enhance their charms.About Chinese Women by
Call Number: Bartle Library Stacks (HQ1738 .K713 1986 )ISBN: 0714525227Publication Date: 2000Leftover Women by A century ago, Chinese feminists fighting for the emancipation of women helped spark the Republican Revolution, which overthrew the Qing empire. After China's Communist revolution of 1949, Chairman Mao famously proclaimed that "women hold up half the sky." In the early years of the People's Republic, the Communist Party sought to transform gender relations with expansive initiatives such as assigning urban women jobs in the planned economy. Yet those gains are now being eroded in China's post-socialist era. Contrary to many claims made in the mainstream media, women in China have experienced a dramatic rollback of many rights and gains relative to men. Leftover Women debunks the popular myth that women have fared well as a result of post-socialist China's economic reforms and breakneck growth. Laying out the structural discrimination against women in China will speak to broader problems with China's economy, politics, and development.
Call Number: HQ1237.5.C5 H56 2014ISBN: 9781780329222Inner Quarters by
ISBN: 0520081587Publication Date: 1993The Sung Dynasty (960-1279) was a paradoxical era for Chinese women. This was a time when footbinding spread, and Confucian scholars began to insist that it was better for a widow to starve than to remarry. Yet there were also improvements in women's status in marriage and property rights. The work brings to life what it was like to be a woman in Sung times ...Gender and Sexuality in Modern Chinese History by Gender and sexuality have been neglected topics in the history of Chinese civilization, despite the fact that philosophers, writers, parents, doctors, and ordinary people of all descriptions have left reams of historical evidence on the subject. Moreover, China's late imperial government was arguably more concerned about gender and sexuality among its subjects than any other pre-modern state. Sexual desire and sexual activity were viewed as innate human needs, essential to bodily health and well-being, and universal marriage and reproduction served the state by supplying tax-paying subjects, duly bombarded with propaganda about family values. How did these and other late imperial legacies shape twentieth-century notions of gender and sexuality in modern China? In this wonderfully written and enthralling book, Susan Mann answers that question by focusing in turn on state policy, ideas about the physical body, and notions of sexuality and difference in China's recent history, from medicine to the theater to the gay bar; from law to art and sports. More broadly, the book shows how changes in attitudes toward sex and gender in China during the twentieth century have cast a new light on the process of becoming modern, while simultaneously challenging the universalizing assumptions of Western modernity.
ISBN: 9780521865142Publication Date: 2011
Diaries, Correspondences, Memoires, Travel Logs
Books in Chinese
內闱 : 宋代的婚姻和妇女生活 = The inner quarters : marriage and the lives of Chinese women in the Sung period by Patricia Buckley Ebrey
Bartle Library Stacks HQ684 .A25125 2004
中国古代妇女生活/ 高世瑜. 北京 : 商务印书馆国际有限公司
Bartle Library Stacks: HQ1767 .G36 1996
二十世纪三十年代女性/单正平. 天津市 : 天津人民美术出版社
Bartle Library Stacks: HQ1767 .S43 2003
妇女运动史话 = A brief history of women's movement in China by
Call Number: HQ1767 .L58128ISBN: 7509729335