Subject Guides
- Binghamton University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Subject Guides
- Engineering & Applied Science
- Engineering & Applied Science
Engineering & Applied Science
Guide Contents
- Library WebsiteHomepage of library website
- Find It!Libraries' one-stop search tool for books, journals, articles, videos, sound recordings, digital images and more.
- Library CatalogPlace to search for library books (both print and electronic). Search the Library Catalog by changing the search scope to Library Catalog. See Finding Books guide for assistance.
- Ask a LibrarianIf Aleshia isn't available, you can use the Libraries' general research help service, Ask a Librarian. Currently this is only available remotely via online chat and email. Hours are Mon.-Fri. 10am-5pm.
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL)If we don't have full text to something, request a copy via ILL! Login page to submit an ILL request. See tutorial for guidance.
- Library TutorialsHow to find books and articles, how to write a citation, and more.
Recommended Databases
General Databases
- Engineering Village (Compendex)A comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering database referencing engineering journals and conference materials. Coverage: 1884-present.
- Applied Science & Technology Source UltimateTopics include artificial intelligence, applied mathematics, plastics, hydroponics, computer science, chemical engineering, energy resources and robotics, as well as the business and social implications of new technologies. Includes full-text articles.
- Web of ScienceCovers the citation indexes: Science, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Book Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports
Professional Society Databases
- ACM Digital LibraryFull-text access to all articles published in ACM magazines and journals and some ACM conference proceedings.
- ASME DatabaseProvides full-text access to journals and recent conference proceedings by the American Society for Mechanical Engineers.
- IEEE Xplore Digital LibraryProvides full-text access to IEEE and IET transactions, journals, and magazines, select conference proceedings, and current standards. IEEE content published since 1988, plus select content from multiple publishers dating back to 1872, is available. Includes IEEE Journal Archive (1884-1999) and IEEE Conference Proceedings Archive (1936-1999).
- SPIE Digital LibraryThe world's largest collection of optics and photonics applied research, SPIE is an international society advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light.
Tools for Browsing Journals & Finding Full-Text
- BrowZineA platform that allows you to browse for journals by subject. Easy to also browse by a journal issue and provides links to full-text.
- LibKey NomadBrowser extension that provides library full-text links directly on most journal or publisher websites.
- LibKey DOI SearchHave a DOI from a citation? Search by the DOI here to bring up full-text or interlibrary loan request options.
- Need More Help on BrowZine or LibKey?Guide that provides further detail on using all of the tools listed above.
- Adding Get It! to Google ScholarDirections on adding the Libraries' Get It! link to Google Scholar
Subject Librarian

Aleshia Huber
102F Science Library
(607) 777-4902
Subjects: Engineering & Applied Science