Subject Guides
CQS 112 Statistics for Management
Guide Contents
See also
Stock Price Resources
In addition to CRSP and Datastream (see right), the following resources have historical stock prices:
Yahoo Historical Prices
Daily data with split/dividend adjustments. Does not cover delisted stocks. Downside is that the data is not 100% accurate.
QuantQuote Historical Stock Data
Click on the Free Data tab to access historical data. At present, covers 1988 through mid 2013 for all symbols currently active in the S&P 500. Less errors than Yahoo but covers fewer stocks.
Daily Stock Price Record American Stock Exchange Library Annex HG4915.I22 1969-2002
Daily Stock Price Record New York Stock Exchange Library Annex HG 4915.I23 1972-2001
Article Databases
- Business Source UltimateJournals in all disciplines of business. Includes industry reports, market research, and SWOT analysis.
Statistical Databases for Individual Company and Industry Data
- Gale Business: InsightsClick on the "Financials" link in the Companiy Informaiton section of the company record to get up to 6 years of financials
- MarketLine AdvantageCovers company financials and ratios. For the industry statistics, search under Databases>Industry>Industry Data (or >Consumer Data Analytics).
- Nexis UniFor company statistics, click on the Company Info link and put in the company name. On the results page, put in 10K or 10Q in the Search Within Results box.
- Morningstar Investment Research CenterThis database provides real-time access to comprehensive data and independent analysis on thousands of investments, spanning mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and closed-end funds. Use Internet Explorer.
Statistical Databases for Large Company Data Sets
- Compustat
Items reported by companies in standard financial reports, such as quarterly and annual income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Both current and historical data are available. Accessed via WRDS.
- CRSP (Center for Research in Security Prices)
- Has price data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets. For research requiring large datasets. Accessed via WRDS.
Wharton Research Data Services
Located on data computer in the Government Documents area of Bartle Library. Restricted to current BU faculty & gradutate students only. Provides historical coverage of major securities from worldwide markets, plus increasing data coverage on emerging markets and new instruments. Includes equity, index, commodity, currency, bond, economic data, and more.
Coverage: varies, with some data going back 30 years. Includes equity, index, commodity, currency, bond, economic data, and more. Data is available in daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly formats. Output easily transfers into Excel.
Subject Librarian

Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics
Call Number: HA29 .A587 2018Patterns of Economic Change by State and Area
Call Number: Bartle Reference HC103 .P38 2018