Subject Guides
Companies & Industries
Databases, websites and other sources of company and industry information.
Guide Contents
- Gale Business: InsightsHas both industry and company reports and also contains financials.
- Business Source UltimateClick on the Company Profiles button to get company reports. Do an article search to get Industry profiles. For help, see the related tutorials.
- MarketLine AdvantageOffers a comprehensive collection of business information on company, industry and country profiles that facilitate a better understanding of the different global markets.
- SEC Edgar Securities and Exchange Commission website that contains financial filings for U.S. and international companies that are listed on a U.S. stock exchange. The 10K reports are the most useful for strategy students. Search for your company (ticker symbol is best) then put "10-K" in the search box. Particularly useful sections are Business, Management Discussion, and Risk.
- Nexis UniContains a wide variety of company information as well as newspaper and newswires articles.
- Mergent ArchivesThis contains company information taken from the Mergent (Moody's) Corporate Manuals. Some records go back to the 1920s. Company information for the current year is embargoed (not included), but is available in print volumes in the Bartle Reference area.
- Morningstar Investment Research CenterThis database provides real-time access to comprehensive data and independent analysis on thousands of investments, spanning mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and closed-end funds.
- GfK MRI University ReporterMarketing database that provides information on demographics, lifestyles, product and brand usage and advertising media preferences. Data is always at least a year old.
- Global NewsstreamIncludes national papers such as the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and the Wall Street Journal. Also local and regional papers including the Press and Sun from Binghamton, the Ithaca Journal, and other Gannett publications. Coverage: 1980 - current
Subject Librarian

Colleen Hailey
Office 1528, Bartle Library, last one on left in the Reference area.