Subject Guides

CQS 112 Statistics for Management

For Professor Chatterji's section.

Guide Contents

See also

Stock Price Resources

In addition to CRSP and Datastream (see right), the following resources have historical stock prices:

Yahoo Historical Prices 
Daily data with split/dividend adjustments.  Does not cover delisted stocks. Downside is that the data is not 100% accurate.

QuantQuote Historical Stock Data  
Click on the Free Data tab to access historical data.  At present, covers 1988 through mid 2013 for all symbols currently active in the S&P 500. Less errors than Yahoo but covers fewer stocks.

Daily Stock Price Record American Stock Exchange Library Annex HG4915.I22 1969-2002
Daily Stock Price Record New York Stock Exchange Library Annex HG 4915.I23 1972-2001

Article Databases

Statistical Databases for Individual Company and Industry Data

Statistical Databases for Large Company Data Sets

  • Compustat BU-ONLY Access
    Items reported by companies in standard financial reports, such as quarterly and annual income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Both current and historical data are available. Accessed via WRDS.


Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Colleen Hailey
Office 1528, Bartle Library, last one on left in the Reference area.
