Subject Guides

Digital Scholarship

A guide to digital scholarship tools, methods, and best practices across the digital humanities and data-driven fields

Binghamton Digital Scholarship

Consultations and Class Instruction!

Digital scholarship librarians in the library offer a variety of support on campus including: one-on-one consultations, classroom instruction, workshops and community events. 

3 people collaborate across a table

We can help with:

  • Digital project management 
  • Building a class blog or site 
  • Creating a digital collection or exhibit 
  • 'Distant reading' and text analysis  
  • Data visualizations (Voyant, tableau, python) 
  • Mapping and Storymaps 
  • Data lifecycle support (collecting, cleaning, analyzing, publishing)
  • Podcasting and recording
  • and more! 

Use our consultation form to reach out to us! We'd love to help you and your students. 

Curious about what others have been doing on campus? Read our blog series on the Libraries' Blog covering some of the digital scholarship currently being done at Binghamton. 

Stay in touch!

Stay in touch! 

Sign-up for our monthly newsletter below and check out our past issues from our archive. The newsletter contains information about upcoming workshops, community news, and digital projects happening on campus. We'd love to see you there! 

Digital Scholarship Newsletter Subscription

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