Subject Guides

Digital Scholarship

A guide to digital scholarship tools, methods, and best practices across the digital humanities and data-driven fields

Omeka S

What is Omeka S? 

Omeka S is a content management system specifically built with digital collections and exhibits in mind. Binghamton Libraries have an Omeka S server that you are welcome to use to house your own digital collections within and build exhibits out of. 

Check out current Omeka projects here!

Projects it is good for: 

Any project that relies heavily on metadata or tagging. Because Omeka S was created for digital collections it has a built in metadata system that makes it easy to link objects together and create exhibits out of materials. Do you have a collection of authors works, photos, and letters? An artist's corpus of paintings? A small local history collection with various types of media? A collection of posters, stories, and materials from a project you were a part of? Omeka S would be a great place to put those if you are want to preserve their metadata categories (author names, dates, origins, media type, locations, etc.). 

If you have a project that doesn't require you to input a lot of metadata information for all of the objects you are using there are probably better platforms to use that will have the functionality you are looking for and be faster to build. 


How to use Omeka S 

The digital scholarship team is very happy to meet with you to go over the basics of the program and to give a tour of how to use it for you or for your entire class. We also hold workshops on it occasionally, but please reach out to us in the meantime! 

Send us a request here! 


Everyone who creates an Omeka S project needs to sign our MOU and will be responsible for making their site accessible as per University guidelines. The MOU will be sent you after either meeting with the digital scholarship team about creating your site.