Subject Guides

Digital Scholarship

A guide to digital scholarship tools, methods, and best practices across the digital humanities and data-driven fields

pilot Digital Scholarship Center

The pilot Digital Scholarship Center is located in Science Library room 209. Here is a map to the Science Library 2nd floor where the pilot Center is labeled. 

four tables with bright green chairs and rolling desks in a room with glass boards, projector and TV screen

The pilot Center was launched in the Fall of 2022, but has existed within the Library since 2020. A larger center is being built as part of the third floor renovations in Bartle Library. In the meantime the pilot Center is available for the Digital Scholarship Community on campus to utilize for in-person and hybrid meetings, workshops or one-off class instruction sessions. 

Reserving the center

You must be a faculty, staff, graduate student or undergraduate student member of Binghamton University in order to reserve the pilot Digital Scholarship Center. 

Currently, the pilot Center may be reserved for the following: requested class instruction sessions, workshops and events affiliated with the Digital Scholarship community on campus or Digital Scholarship related group meetings. We reserve the right to deny requests that do not fit within the purpose of the center. 

You may reserve the center by following this link, or filling out the form below. 

Using the room 

If you are holding a class session, workshop or event in the Center we recommend bringing your own laptop, or using one of the center's, to plug into either the projector or the TV screen to display any media or presentations you will be showing. You will need to have an HDMI port on your laptop or the appropriate adapter. The center has some adapters available, but cannot guarantee having the one you will need. 

If you wish to use the conferencing equipment you will also need a standard sized USB port on your laptop or an adaptor. 

The digital scholarship team is more than happy to set up the room for your event or workshop, just let us know what equipment you need and how you may like the tables and chairs configured. 


Room capacity is 30 people 

  • 9 desks, 8 on wheels and one adjustable height desk 
  • 16 rolling green chairs and 1 office chair 
  • 4 rolling chairs with attached desks
  • 2 spin top chairs
  • 2 large lounge chairs 
  • 2 small side tables 
  • 5 glass boards with markers and erasures 


four white table with four green chairs each all on wheels and next to glassboards other seating is scattered around the room


  • Three laptops 
    • available for use in the pilot Center
  • Projector 
    • Can be used to project a large screen on the blank wall of the center
    • HDMI cable 
  • TV Cart
    • TV screen and cart that can be easily moved around the front of the room 
    • HDMI cable 
    • Desktop with keyboard and mouse 
  • Conferencing equipment 
    • Realtek conferencing equipment including room mics, speakers, and video camera
    • Must be able to connect to USB  


  • Adobe suite 
  • Audacity, OcenAudio, and REAPER for audio recording and editing 
  • ArcGIS