Subject Guides

IBUS-480E/01 IBUS-581A Doing Business in Emerging Markets

Designed for Prof. Chatterji's class.

Guide Contents

World Development Indicators

World Development Indicators Contains statistical data for over 800 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 220 countries and country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. Use Firefox for best results.

To use the database:

From the opening page, click on the World Development Indicators link.

Select your countries or area, e.g. Australia, Euro area, Middle East, High Income, World, etc.

Select your series--this is the type of data that you want to collect, e.g. CO2 emissions, fertility rate, GDP, international tourism, GINI index, etc.  Note that there is a small search box to help you find your series by keyword.

Select your year(s), either specific years, or time periods.  Be aware that the data will only be available if the country collected it for the years that you select and that not all data will be available for all countries for every year.

Click the Apply Changes link in the middle of the page.  The default is Table, however, you can also choose Chart or Map.  The metadata option tells you how the data was collected.  There are also download options.

Multinational Company & Industry Databases

Other Sources of Statistics

Direction of Trade Statistics (IMF) Trade between countries.

Eurostat European Union statistics

Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online United Nations statistics.


UN Data Explorer Free stats from the United Nations.


Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Colleen Hailey
Office 1528, Bartle Library, last one on left in the Reference area.

10K (SEC) Reports

10-K reports are financial documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Only companies that sell stock on a U.S. stock exchange are required to file them. (If a non-U.S. company sells stock on a U.S. exchange, these reports are called 20-F and are more similar to U.S. Annual reports.) Not all international companies break down their international finances by country or continent, but many do. Some may have a separate section, some may list under the Financial sections.  10-Ks can be accessed by going to the company website, or by going to the SEC website, Edgar. (Make sure that you search 10-K instead of 10K).