Subject Guides
Global Management
Guide Contents
See Also
Country & Industry Information in Databases
- Business Source UltimateTo access country reports, go to the Publication Type box and use the pull-down to select Country Reports, then type your country in the search box. Can also be used to get articles.
- Nexis Uni
NexisUni provides access to 15,000+ news, business and legal sources. If a sign-in button appears, click the button for access.
- World Development IndicatorsContains statistical data for over 800 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 220 countries and country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. See the Data Manual for information on what is covered.
Country & Market Information
- MarketLine AdvantageMarket data can be obtained by using the pulldown under Databases to select Industries and then Consumer Data Analytics. There are breakdowns and forecasts of data by country and by type of product.
U.S Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets Published by the State Department, this series covers information on the people, history, government, political conditions, economy and foreign relations of most countries. Particularly useful links are listed under the How to Export section. Trade leads and export guides can be found under the Market Intelligence tab.
globalEDGE Click on the Global Insights link to get to Country Commercial Guides and more. The Tools and Data tab will take you to the Market Potential Index (MPI) for Emerging Markets.
Europa World Year Book e-book Includes essays on information such as industry, government, communications, and population.
International Consumer Markets e-book
National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers e-book
A Resource Guide on Doing Business in the Middle East Somewhat generic but has useful general information.
Subject Librarian
