Subject Guides
Community Research and Action
A guide to support research, scholarly development, and research.
Guide Contents
More Statistics and Data sources:
Statistics & Data Sources
- Social ExplorerProvides access to US decennial census data from 1790 to 2010, American Community Survey data and selected business, economic, crime, health, environmental and religious data. It does not include data for all census geographies, particularly for earlier decennial censuses. Users can customize, save, print, export and email reports and maps
- NYS Rockefeller Institute of GovernmentStatistics and issue studies of NYS.
- ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) Data ArchiveProvides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction. For more information see Data Services for Social Sciences.
Qualtrics, a software for survey creation and analysis is available by going to http://binghamton.qualtrics.
ITS Virtual Desktop includes access to:
- Nvivo
SPSS is also located on the computers in DC123.
You can also consider free software as well:
Also consult:
Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. by
Call Number: UDC H62 .C6963 2018Statistical Persuasion: How to Collect, Analyze and Present Data. by
Call Number: HA 29 .P348 2010