Subject Guides
Community Research and Action
A guide to support research, scholarly development, and research.
Guide Contents
Writing the Literature Review
These books will provide guidance in how to organize and write a literature review. To request that a book be delivered to the UDC Library, use ILLiad.
- Systematic approaches to a successful literature review byCall Number: Bartle LB1047.3 .B6 2012
- Conducting research literature reviews byCall Number: Science Library Q180.55.M4 F56 1998
- Finding and evaluating evidence systematic reviews and evidence-based practice byCall Number: E-bookPublication Date: 2011
- Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology byCall Number: Bartle Library LB1028 .M3964 2005
- Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research byCall Number: Bartle Library H62 .H266 1998Publication Date: 1999
- Preparing literature reviews: qualitative and quantitative approaches byCall Number: Science Q180.55 .E9 P36 2008
The Research Methods
These books provide guidance in understanding the research methods and the writing process. To request that a book be delivered to the UDC Library, use ILLiad.
- Engaged scholarship: A guide for organizational and social research byCall Number: e-book & Bartle HD30.4 .V358 2007
- Introduction to research and medical literature for health professionals byCall Number: Science Library R697 .P45 P488 2013
- Qualitative research design byCall Number: Science Library Q180.55 .M4 M39 2013
- Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management byCall Number: (UDC) JF1338 .A2 T477 2014Publication Date: 2014
- Completing Your Qualitative Dissertation From Beginning to End by Completing your Qualitative Dissertation fills an important gap in the qualitative research literature by specifically addressing the fast-growing practice of qualitative postgraduate dissertations in colleges and universities throughout the world. Many students struggle to complete qualitative research projects because the research itself is inherently messy. To address this challenge the authors have distilled decades of experience into a first-of-its-kind, highly practical reference for graduate students. At the heart of the book is a series of chapters that models the typical progression of a dissertation. Each chapter is illustrated by examples that give the reader an understanding of what the actual write-up would look like. Emphasis throughout the book is on conceptual understanding as it relates to the practical aspects involved in navigating the dissertation process.Call Number: H62 .B58555 2008
- SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research byCall Number: H62 .H2455 2005 (UDC)2011 edition available at Bartle Library Reference.
- SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis byCall Number: H62 .S34 2014 (Bartle Library Reference)
How to search for books
This list will give you an idea of what Subject Headings you can use to explore books in the Library Catalog that can provide help with the research and writing process.
- Social Surveys
- Focus Groups
- [subject area] - Research
(examples: Social Sciences - Research
Social networks - Research) - Research - Methodology
- Research - Methodology - Case Studies
- [subject area] - Research - Methodology
(examples: Political Science - Research - Methodology
Education - Research - Methodology) - Qualitative Research - Methodology