Subject Guides
Citation Analysis & Metrics
Guide Contents
Impact Factors (Journal Citation Reports)
An Impact Factor for a journal represents the citation rate over a given time period for an average article in a given journal. This measure is one way to consider the importance (or impact) of the source in its field.
Impact Factors are calculated and found in Web of Science's Journal Citation Reports database.
You can search by individual title, category (groups of subjects), publisher, or country/region.
The results screen lists the journal title, ISSN, eISSN, category, edition, total citations, JIF, and JIF Rank.
Sort the results by Impact Factor or clicking the JIF column. Additional sorting options are available for the journal title/name, total citations, and Impact Factor Rank (JIF Rank).
You can export your results as an Excel or CSV file by using the Export in the upper right corner of the screen.
Why can't I find a journal?
WoS uses an editorial selection process to determine the content (covered journals, books, conference proceedings).
Learn the basics for using Journal Citation Reports (JCR) online, including more details on metrics and profiles for included journals.
WoS maintains a Master List of sources for both the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and Web of Science.
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