Subject Guides
Citation Analysis & Metrics
Guide Contents
Getting Started in Web of Science
To search for cited works in Web of Science , use the Cited References tab in the main search page (DOCUMENTS tab). The RESEARCHERS tab will take you individual author profiles.
Select Web of Science Core Collection in the Search box.
You can limit your search to editions (subsets) of Web of Science by using the Editions drop-down menu.
To locate a single source or collection of cited sources you can search by:
- Cited Author (i.e. SMITH AE).
- Cited Work (use the journal abbreviation list for a specific title)
- Cited Year(s), either a single year or timespan.
On the results screen, you view citations for individual works by clicking on Title, Identifier, or Citing Articles..
You can find the full-text (electronic or print) by selecting the available access buttons (Get It!).
Items not in the Libraries can be obtained through an Interlibrary loan request.
Search Tips
You can limit your search to specific fields (such as Author, Publication Name, Organization Name) by selecting the field name using the drop down menu.
When you select a specific field, a link to a field index will appear. Web of Science uses abbreviations for many fields, and searching the index for thar field will make sure that you receive improved search results.
Finding Citation Counts
Times Cited is the total number of times that source is cited across all databases within Web of Science - this will include databases the Libraries may not subscribe to. Clicking on the Times Cited link will return records for sources in databases that Libraries subscribe to.
Cited References will bring up the reference list of the article.