Subject Guides

Citation Analysis & Metrics

Locate impact factors and related measures, how to locate where and how often authors and articles are cited, and how to create scholar profiles.

Guide Contents



  1. You may want to know how many times a work has been referenced (or cited) when searching on a topic. There are metrics at the author, article and journal level.
  2. While researching, identifying cited works is an easy way to dig deeper into relevant sources, including ones that may not show up easily (such as unpublished works or datasets).  
  3. Using cited works can point a researcher into new directions or new disciplinary areas.
  4. By reviewing cited works, a researcher can see patterns in topics, fundamental works, and important researchers on a topic. 


These databases and vendor platforms contain article citation counts for individual items.  

Page maintained by Sarah Maximiek.  Material on Altmetrics and Scopus created by Elise Thorney, MLIS Student, Syracuse Univeristy iSchool