Subject Guides
- Binghamton University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Subject Guides
- Marketing
- Demographics and Advertising
Guide Contents
- Statistical Abstract of the United StatesAn authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Can download the statistics files as Excel files. Coverage: 1878-ongoing
- Census.govPrimary portal for U.S Census Bureau data on the nation's people and economy. Find data from the decennial census data, American Community Survey, Economic Census and more.
- Census BureauThe place to go for demographic information on the United States.
- County Business PatternsSimilar to the MSA Business Patterns, only on the county level.
- GfK MRI University ReporterMarketing database that provides information on demographics, lifestyles, product and brand usage and advertising media preferences. Data is always at least a year old.
- Social ExplorerContains extensive demographic information, primarily from the Census Bureau. Some overlap with PolicyMap database, though each features unique data.
- SRDSOnline multimedia planning platform that makes it easy to find ad opportunities in any market, media type or geography. Basic demographic information is provided for each television, radio, and newspaper market.
- World Development IndicatorsDemographics for over 200 countries (including the United States).
Advertising Red Books
Call Number: Bartle Library Reference -- HF5805 .S712 (latest ed)SDRS Circulation
Call Number: Bartle Library Reference -- HF5905 .A57