Subject Guides
- Binghamton University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Subject Guides
- General Management
- Books & Dissertations
General Management
Guide Contents
Using e-books
The Libraries own many books in e-format. They are produced by dfifferent publishers and feature a variety of formats. Be aware that they may differ on how many people can view the book simultaneously and whether any of the book content can be downloaded. In addition, downloading will vary according to device, e.g., Ipads, Kindles, and other e-readers. For directions and more information on ebooks, see the Library guide, Finding and Using ebooks.
Book Databases
- WorldCatMillions of records cataloged by libraries around the world.
- Dissertations & Theses GlobalInternational in scope, this database offers indexing and text for dissertations and thesis spanning from 1743 to the present day. Full text for some dissertations prior to 1997, full text for most works added since 1997.
- Dissertations & Theses @ Binghamton UniversityFull text of all BU dissertations from 1997 to the present. Citations and abstracts of all BU dissertations published by UMI.
- Gale Virtual Reference LibraryThis database covers a variety of business e-books. Type your term in the box to cross-search across all titles.
Finding Books with Find It!
When you search in Find It!, you're searching in the Library Catalog, Local Digital Collections (Special Collections' Digital Materials and Binghamton University-created materials), and a mega-index of scholarly e-resources including articles, book reviews, ebooks, and more. You can refine your search with the limiters on the left side of the search results page. These include such limiters as date ranges, location, subject headings, and languages.
To search for books in Find It!, follow these steps:
- On the Libraries’ website, click Advanced Search on the Find It! tab.
- For search scope, select Library Catalog.
- For material type, select Books.
- Enter your search terms.
- Click Search.
New Books
Subject Librarian
