Subject Guides
General Management
Databases, websites, other resources that cover general management, nonprofit management, entrepreneurship, and healthcare management.
Guide Contents
Web Sites
HBS Working Knowledge Harvard Business School
Management Article Databases
- Business Source UltimateThis is a full text business database, covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business. Industry, company, country and market research reports are included in the database.
- Gale Business: InsightsProvides company profiles, histories, investment reports, financials, rankings; SIC and NAICS industry descriptions; newspaper and periodical articles.
- Emerald LibrarySearches a wide range of management and library & information services journals, as well as a range of engineering, applied science and technology journals. Coverage: 1994 - present, varies by title.
- Nexis UniContains a wide variety of company information as well as newspaper and newswires articles.
- Global NewsstreamIncludes national papers such as the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and the Wall Street Journal. Also local and regional papers including the Press and Sun from Binghamton, the Ithaca Journal, and other Gannett publications. Coverage: 1980 - current
- Web of ScienceAnother misnamed database which also covers many core titles in management. Be sure to limit your searching to the Social Science section.
- Sustainability Reference CenterFull-text database that covers many areas relating to sustainability such as corporate social responsibility, environmental stewardship, regulations, green issues, renewable energy, and social entrepreneurship.
- WestlawLimit your search to the News and Business section. Also includes Hoover's Company Profiles.
General Databases
The databases in this section aren't limited to management topics, but may still have articles of interest.
- Academic Search UltimateGeneral database, covering many topics, including management.
- JSTORPrimarily a journal archive with some current content. If you are looking for current information, you may want to try other databases as well.
- PsycINFO (APA)Covers general psychology and specialized, basic, applied, clinical and theoretical research in psychology. Coverage: 1887-current.
Subject Librarian

Colleen Hailey
Office 1528, Bartle Library, last one on left in the Reference area.