Subject Guides
Physical Therapy
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- Health Websites
- Websites for Physical Therapists
- Health Statistics and Demographics This link opens in a new window
- Geriatrics Websites
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Physician Directories
- ABMS Certification CheckerThis American Board of Medical Specialties Verification Service allows you to verify board certification status of any board certified physician.
Hospital Directories
American Hospital Directory: Contains comparative hospital data, statistics, and information.
Web Links
- U.S. Preventive Services Task ForceThe U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in disease prevention and evidence-based medicine. The Task Force works to improve the health of people nationwide by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services.
- Health, United StatesNational trends in health on topics ranging from mortality rates, risk factors, health care financing, etc.
- CAPHIS - Consumer and Patient Health Information SectionSite is a section of the Medical Library Association’s Web site. This section provides a listing of 100 consumer health related Web sites that have been evaluated and found to be of significant quality.
- Cleveland Clinic Health Information CenterProduced by the Cleveland Clinic Department of Patient Education and Health Information, this site offers information on over 900 health topics. Podcasts and webcasts of health information are available along with transcripts of web chats with physicians answering health questions.
- FamilyDoctorOperated by the American Academy of Family Physicians.
- Genetics Home ReferenceFrom the National Library of Medicine - provides consumer-friendly information about the effects of genetic variation on human health.
- HealthfinderDeveloped by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, healthfinder links to carefully selected information and Web sites from over 1,500 health-related organizations
- MayoClinic.comComprehensive coverage of consumer health concerns from a respected health provider.
- MEDLINEplusConsumer health site of the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
- National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthAn authoritative, easy-to-navigate, and up-to-date website of quality information on complementary and alternative medicine.
- PDR HealthProvides information for prescriptions drugs, over-the-counter medications, and herbáis and supplements. Also provides overviews of numerous diseases and conditions.
- Sex and Gender HealthProvides slides, videos, learning modules, and case studies. You will need to create a free account to use the materials.
- Last Updated: Jan 28, 2025 10:04 AM
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