Subject Guides
Judaic Studies
Resources for Judaic Studies.
Guide Contents
Judaic Studies Librarian

Elise Ferer
Bartle Library LS-1532
Subjects: Information Literacy, Judaic Studies
Judaic Studies Databases
- Digital Dead Sea ScrollsThe five Dead Sea Scrolls that have been digitized thus far include the Great Isaiah Scroll, the Community Rule Scroll, the Commentary on Habakkuk Scroll, the Temple Scroll, and the War Scroll. All five scrolls can be magnified so that users may examine texts in exacting detail.
- RAMBI – The Index of Articles on Jewish StudiesA selective bibliography of academic articles covering all of the fields of Jewish studies as well as the study of Israel. The articles are in Hebrew, Latin or Cyrillic letters
- Religion and Philosophy OneFile
Covers world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy.
Mutli-Disciplinary Databases
- Project MuseHumanities, social sciences, and mathematics journals from several university presses.
- Academic Search Ultimate
Covers over 11,000 journals in all fields of study.
- JSTORPrimarily a journal archive with some current content. If you are looking for current information, you may want to try other databases as well.
- Web of ScienceCovers the citation indexes: Science, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Book Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports
- Ethnic NewsWatchA full-text collection of articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority, and native press.
Historical Archives
- Compact Memory (Goethe Universitätsbibliothek)The portal Compact Memory comprises 500 Jewish newspapers and journals of the German speaking area of the years 1768–1938 and beyond. These periodicals represent the complete religious, political, social, literary and academic spectrum of the Jewish community and the "Science of Judaism", thus constituting a major source for the research on Judaism in the Modern Age.
- Human Rights Studies OnlineA research and learning database providing comparative documentation, analysis, and interpretation of major human rights violations and atrocity crimes worldwide from 1900 to 2010. The collection includes primary and secondary materials across multiple media formats and content types for each selected event.
- Nineteenth Century Collections Online
A digital collection of books, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, ephemera, and maps that cover politics and society, literature, spirituality, technology and more.
- AM Explorer
Access millions of pages of primary source collections across the entire portfolio of Adam Matthew Digital, spanning content from the 15th-21st centuries.
Social Science, Arts, and Humanities Databases
- ACLS Humanities E-BookCollection of over 1400 full-text, cross searchable books covering topics of interest to historians and humanities scholars.
- America: History & Life with Full TextLiterature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. Indexes 1700 journals, provides full text of 200 titles.
- Anthropology PlusIndexed materials focus on topics of anthropology, archaeology, and related disciplines.
- Humanities Source UltimateFull text for many of the most important academic sources in the humanities. .
- Literature Online (LION)Over a third of a million full-text works of poetry, prose and drama in English, together with the definitive online criticism and reference library.
- Social Science Premium CollectionResearch covering topics in sociology, social work, anthropology, and politics.