Subject Guides
French 381E French & Francophone Film
Guide Contents
See also
News Publications & Databases
- Global NewsstreamCovers a variety of French news sources, including Le Monde. After doing your search, limit to French language.
- Nexis UniPut in the director and part of the title (in French) in the search box. Then limit your results to French language. Covers thousands of news resources.
Le Monde Journal d'information en ligne, Le offre à ses visiteurs un panorama complet de l'actualité. Découvrez chaque jour toute l'info en direct (de la politique à l'économie en passant par le sport et la météo) sur Le, le site de news leader de la presse française en ligne. Le Monde via Bartle Library
Le Figaro is a conservative French newspaper.
Liberation is a left-leaning French newspaper.
Le Parisien is a daily French newspaper with news from France and around the world. Le Parisien via Bartle Library. is a database with links to magazines and newspapers from around the world. French language publications from France, Canada, Haiti, Tunisia and other countries are represented.
Le journal de Montreal Des nouvelles accessibles et complètes : sports, politique, spectacles, argent et judiciaire.
Journal Articles on French Films
- Find ItThis is the search box on the Library's homepage. Put in the director name and the film name in French. Then limit your results to French language. Searches articles, books, book chapters and DVDs.
- FIAF International Index to Film PeriodicalsIndexes over 500,000 articles from academic and popular film journals. Also includes the International Index to TV Periodicals, Treasures from the Film Archives, silent film holdings archives and International Directory of Film/TV Documentation Collections.
- MLA International Bibliography with Full TextSubjects covered include literature, language and linguistics, folklore, literary theory & criticism, and dramatic arts. Citations of journal articles, books and dissertations are included.
- JSTORPrimarily a journal archive with some current content. If you are looking for current information, you may want to try other databases as well.
- PerseeDigitization of a large collection of conference papers and journals across subjects. All in French.
- Humanities Source UltimateFull text for many of the most important academic sources in the humanities. .
- Art & Architecture SourceCovers a number of film journals, including "Cahiers du Cinema" (back to 2011).
- Literature Resource CenterSome coverage of film and directors. Most articles are in English, but you can limit to the French language by scrolling down the Advanced Search page to the "by language" limiter.
- Literary Reference SourceSome coverage of films and directors. Most articles are in English. There is a language limit, but it isn't always accurate.
Director Interviews
The easiest way to find audio/visual interviews with French film directors is to search YouTube. Try the director's name and the word "interview". Our streaming services, Avon and Kanopy, tend to be less useful for this, but they are also worth a try.
Box Office and Awards
Box Office Mojo May not cover all films, especially older ones, but is worth a look.
Cesar Awards This is the french version of the Academy Awards. Started in 1976.
Subject Librarian

Other French Cinema Websites
The Institute National de L'audiovisuel is another good source for information on French film and directors.
AlloCine' news, reviews, box office and more for French film.
Encyclopedie Contributive Larousse collaborative online encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia of French Film Directors
Call Number: Bartle Library Reference PN1998.2 .R444 2010Historical Dictionary of French Cinema
Call Number: Bartle Library, Fine Arts PN1993.5.F7 O83 2007ISBN: 9780810854918