Subject Guides
French Fr 481Z Love and War in French Fiction and Film
Guide Contents
Other MLA Citations
There are a number of online sites that have information on works cited and in-text citations in MLA. They are listed here.
Using Images in Your Presentations
Legally Using Images in Presentation Slides Good overview of resources and of copyright law in this area.
Wikimedia Commons Freely usable media files.
You can also use the Images function in JSTOR
Citing Films in MLA
The Excelsior Online Writing Lab has formatting options for images,flms, dvds and streamingn MLA..
Citing DVDs
Truffaut, Francois, director. Le Dernier Metro. 1980. Performance by Gerard Depardieu,
Catherine Deneuve and Jean Poiret, MK2 Productions, 1999.
Citing via a Streaming Service
Varda, Agnes, director. Le Bonheur. 1965. Performance by Drouot, Jean-Claude, Drouot,
Clair and Marie-France Boyer, Parc Film. Kanopy,
The Official Guide
For the most complete information, consult one of the following, available at the Reference Desks or in the Reference area of any of the three libraries:
- MLA Handbook,
LB 2369 .G53 2016 (8th ed)
- MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing,
PN 147 .N28 2008
Academic Honesty
It is very important that you cite your sources, whether it is a film, streaming video, book, article, etc. For a discussion of the why's and hows of academic honesty this page will have a further explanation.
Organizing Your Research
- Research Project CalculatorThe Research Project Calculator is an online tool that helps you set a schedule for your paper. Enter the day you will start it, the day it's due, and you will get a suggested timeframe for each step. Click on each step (Selecting Your Topic, or Find Articles) and you'll get great tips for using the Binghamton University Libraries to help you write your paper.
- Citation Managers GuideCitation managers help you manage citations and insert bibliographies into your papers. This guide will help you get started with choosing and using the citation manager that works best for you among Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote Basic.