Subject Guides
ECON 454-90 & ECON 509C-01 Class Guide: U.S. & International Economic Data
U.S. Data
- ALFRED (Archival Federal Reserves Economic Data)Economic data from specific time periods.
- Annual Survey of ManufacturesUS industry data
- Bureau of Economic AnalysisSee the Industry Data section
- Centers for Medicare & MedicaidCheck out the Statistics, Trends & Reports section.
- Consumer Expenditure Survey (BLS)Focuses on buying habits of American consumers.
- County Business PatternsIndustry data by county and zip code.
- Census.govPrimary portal for U.S Census Bureau data on the nation's people and economy. Find data from the decennial census data, American Community Survey, Economic Census and more.
- Data.govTools and resources to develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.
- Economic IndicatorsPublished monthly by the Council of Economic Advisors for the Joint Economic Committee, Economic Indicators provide economic information on GDP, income, employment, production, business activity, prices, money, credit, security markets, and more.
- Economic Report of the Presidentsearch the Statistical Tables section for basic economic indicators. Coverage: 1995-present.
- Economic Data (FRED)Over 251,000 U.S. and international time series.
- FRASER (Federal Reserve Archive)Economic history
- Household Pulse Survey--Measuring Household Experiences During the Coronovirus Pandemic Data on the social and economic effects of coronavirus and other emergent issues on American households.
- Inforum Economic DataContains several thousand economic time series
- IPUMS USACensus microdata for social and economic research.
- MeasuringWorthCalculators for measuring worth and personal wealth and tables for CPI, GDP, etc.
- National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS)Labor and other data for individuals followed over decades.
- NBER DataNational Bureau of Economic Research data used in published working papers.
- New York State Data CenterProvides statistics about the population of New York.
- Panel Study of Income DynamicsLongest running longitudinal household survey in the world.
- Statistical Abstract of the United StatesAn authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Can download the statistics files as Excel files. Coverage: 1878-ongoing
- Survey of Current BusinessEach issue has a section covering statistics for international trade.
- Value of a Dollar, 1860-2009E-book.
Statistical Databases
- CompustatItems reported by companies in standard financial reports, such as quarterly and annual income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Both current and historical data are available. Accessed via WRDS.
- Cross-National Time-Series Data ArchiveCovering over 200 countries and hundreds of variables, including measurements for Domestic Conflict Events, Assassinations, General Strikes, Terrorism/Guerrilla Warfare, Major Government Crises, Purges, Riots, Revolutions, and Anti-government Demonstrations. Covers from 1815-present, with exceptions for World Wars.
- CRSP (Center for Research in Security Prices)Has price data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets. For research requiring large datasets. Accessed via WRDS.
- IHS Global InsightU.S. and international financial, economic and industry data. Binghamton University users have access only to the Basic Economics files (U.S. data). The data can be accessed via WRDS (see below).
- Historical Statistics of the United StatesIncludes over 12,500 time series and all descriptive text. Contains the complete Historical Statistics of the United States, 1975. Standard source for quantitative data of American history starting in Colonial times
- ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) Data ArchiveProvides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction. For more information see Data Services for Social Sciences.
- International Financial Statistics OnlineStatistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance from 200+ IMF countries. Contains approximately 32,000 time series of financial and economic data.
- National Population Census of China (Chinese)2010 Chinese Census, covering provinces and municipalities, as well as national statistics.
- National Population Census of China Database (English)All data from the 2010 Chinese Census, including provinces and municipalities.
- Penn World TablesThe Penn World Tables provides national income accounts-type of variables converted to international prices. Accessed via WRDS.
- ProwessDx
Financial information for private and public Indian companies, listed and unlisted. Includes information such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, share prices, etc. Contains time-series data since 1990. Access note: Users must be on the campus network to use. If connecting from off-campus, users must be logged in on the Secure VPN. All users must also create an account on the site using their current email address.
- Social ExplorerProvides access to US decennial census data from 1790 to 2010, American Community Survey data and selected business, economic, crime, health, environmental and religious data. It does not include data for all census geographies, particularly for earlier decennial censuses. Users can customize, save, print, export and email reports and maps
- Statistical Abstract of the United StatesAn authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Can download the statistics files as Excel files. Coverage: 1878-ongoing
- USA Trade OnlineUS export and import information on more than 18,00 commodities worldwide. First time users should Sign Up for free registration.
- SAGE Data
A dynamic repository of officially sourced statistical data that is multi-disciplinary and global in scope.
- Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)The interface used to access the Compustat, CRSP, and other large financial and economic data files. Use of these files requires registration and is strictly restricted to Binghamton University faculty and students. A full listing of WRDS databases is listed on the WRDS page.
- World Development IndicatorsContains statistical data for over 800 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 220 countries and country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. See the Data Manual for information on what is covered.
International Data
Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy
Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook Covers trade flows from one region of the world to another. HF 91.I65
The Historical Direction of Trade Statistics (CD-ROM) Online HF1016 .D575 2002 covers approximately 1948 to 1980.
European Marketing Data and Statistics Ref HA 1107.E87
Global Development Finance Also on (CD-ROM) Ref HJ8899 .W67 various years. Continued by International Debt Statistics
International Historical Statistics, 1750-2010
International Marketing Data and Statistics Ref HA 42.I56
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online (U.N.)
National Bureau of Statistics of China
Survey Research Center listing of sources from University of Michigan Data Center
UNdata Explorer free data from the United Nations International economics, market research and industry data.
Wolfram Alpha popular search engine for common statistics