Subject Guides


What is AccessPharmacy

AccessPharmacy is a robust online resource for pharmaceutical information. Search drugs by generic or trade names, view patient handouts and education handouts, take advantage of the various study tools, read cases, watch animated videos and lectures, and get access to ebooks. 

This collection is accessible through the libraries homepage under Databases, or by following this link.

Ebooks can be found either by searching within AccessPharmacy or by searching on the library website in the Find It search. 

*Important* - many of the resources in AccessPharmacy including the study tools, require signing up for a free MyAccess account. See below for details. 

McGraw Hill has a lot more information on their AP Guide


A free MyAccess account is necessary to access some of the resources in AccessPharmacy (and AccessMedicine). Additional benefits of a MyAccess account are the ability to create favorites, see what you recently viewed, and to create alerts.

When you try to access one of these resources you will be asked to login to your MyAccess, or to create a new account. You can also create your account immediately by selecting "create a free MyAccess profile" from within AccessPharmacy or by going to:

Select "create free my access profile" from drop down under SUNY Binghamton
