Subject Guides
Political Science: Statistics & Data
Statistics and data sets cover politics, economics and related areas.
Frequently Requested Data / Statistics .. | Find in... |
Democracy Indicators / Levels of Democracy |
Freedom of the Word; Polity Regime Trends; Nations, Development & Democracy |
Education Levels | World Development Indicators |
Election Turnout / Voting Levels | Voting, Elections & Elections Data page |
GDP & GNP | Global Financial Data, International Financial Statistics |
GINI | World Development Indicators, Global Financial Data |
Human Rights | CIRI Human Rights Data Project |
Legislative Bodies |
Cross National Time Series |
Migration | UNDATA |
Political Rebellion | Cross National TIme Series |
Polls & Public Opinion | Polling Data & Public Opinion page |
Population (United States) | Global Financial Data (historical and projected), Statistical Insight, Social Explorer |
Population (non- United States) | Global Financial Data (historical and projected) |
Roll Call Votes (US) | ICPSR |
Indexes and General Data Sets
Sources for large data sets and statistical sources that cross many subject areas.
- ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) Data ArchiveProvides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction. For more information see Data Services for Social Sciences.
- Cross-National Time-Series Data ArchiveCovering over 200 countries and hundreds of variables, including measurements for Domestic Conflict Events, Assassinations, General Strikes, Terrorism/Guerrilla Warfare, Major Government Crises, Purges, Riots, Revolutions, and Anti-government Demonstrations. Covers from 1815-present, with exceptions for World Wars.
- Social ExplorerProvides access to US decennial census data from 1790 to 2010, American Community Survey data and selected business, economic, crime, health, environmental and religious data. It does not include data for all census geographies, particularly for earlier decennial censuses. Users can customize, save, print, export and email reports and maps
- UNdataSearch and download data collected by various groups across the United Nations from one interface.
- EurostatLeading provider of high quality statistics on Europe. Allows bulk downloads.
- Paul Hensel's International Relations Data SiteLinks to data covering conflict and conflict resolutions; environmental issues; economic, political & social science data.
- PoliData: Data for SaleData sets broken down by legislative districts and county. Each set can be purchased individually by the user.
- Statistics & Census DataSources for local, national and international data.
Political Measurements
- Cross-National Time-Series Data ArchiveCovering over 200 countries and hundreds of variables, including measurements for Domestic Conflict Events, Assassinations, General Strikes, Terrorism/Guerrilla Warfare, Major Government Crises, Purges, Riots, Revolutions, and Anti-government Demonstrations. Covers from 1815-present, with exceptions for World Wars.
- Center on Democratic Performance (Binghamton University)
Contains such reports and data sets as the Presidential Human Rights Report Card, Institution and Elections Project dataset, Election Results Archive.
- Freedom in the World
Countries are ranked on measures of political rights and civil liberties, and then given a designation as "free" to "not free."
- Polity Regime Trends
Measures the authority characteristics of states.
- Database of Political Institutions
WorldBank dataset ranking governments on a variety of factors including economic and religious orientations, number of seats held, current electoral rules and federalism levels.
- Quality of Government Dataset
Compiles a wide range of freely available data on the causes, consequences, and nature of that relate to the Quality of Government (QoG).
- Nations, Development, and Democracy, 1800-2005
Complies data from Polity, Freedom House and WDI for 187 countries.
- Global Terrorism Database
Systematic open source database documenting international and domestic terrorist incidents.
- QuotaProject: Global Database of Quotas for WomenContains information on the use of electoral quotas for women. Electoral quotas are defined as mandatory or targeted percentages of women candidates for public elections.
Statistical Support
- For help getting started: Finding Statistics and Data.
- Fundamentals of Polling: Polling 101 and Analyzing Polls: Polling 201 provide information on understanding how polls are conducted and how to understand and interpret the data collected by telephone polls, exit surveys, and other large scale polls
- Understanding political science statistics : observations and expectations in political analysis byCall Number: e-bookPublication Date: 2015
- Handbook of Univariate and Multivariate Data Analysis with IBM SPSS byCall Number: E-BookPublication Date: 2013
Other Statistics & Data Guides
Or view all Data & Statistics databases available at the Libraries.