Subject Guides
Scholarly Communications and Open Access Policy
Guide Contents
The Open Repository @Binghamton, also known as The ORB, is intended to showcase scholarly and creative works of individuals affiliated with Binghamton University. Works deposited into the ORB are openly accessible and discoverable via search engines such as Google. The ORB tracks usage statistics of each work and each submission receives copyright verification.
Open Educational Resources Guide
"Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse at no cost. Unlike fixed, copyrighted resources, OER have been authored or created by an individual or organization that chooses to retain few, if any, ownership rights" (OER Commons, CC BY-SA)
Open Educational Resources allows educators to:
- retain the right to make, own and control,
- reuse,
- revise,
- remix,
- redistribute

Use this guide to navigate through available options.
Licensing and Attribution: Details Creative Commons licensing and attribution
Evaluation: Provides rubrics and guidance for selecting an appropriate OER
Images: Links to image sites that fall within creative commons and public domain
Textbooks: Offers websites that link to open textbooks & guidance for digital textbook development
Locate: Discover where to find open educational resources
Justify: Learn more about the legal and ethical importance of the OER movement
Creation: Presents information about developing open textbooks and other OERs
Courseware: Provides links to sites that openly offer syllabi and course activities
Accessibility: Learn about universal design and the importance of ADA compliance
Where is open research?
Open Research Data:
- Shared research data sites.
- U.S. Government open data site
- Open notebook science projects
- Open Source Development Network
- SourceForge open source software network
Open Access Journal Articles and Pre-preprints:
- Journal article pre-prints and manuscript repositories by discipline.
- Journal articles in the Directory of Open Access Journals.
Open Books:
- PQDT Open dissertations and theses from Proquest
- Collections and books in the HathiTrust Digital Library
Project Gutenberg ebooks
Open Course Content and Textbooks:
- Course content from the Open Courseware Consortium.
- Textbooks from the College Open Textbooks project.
Open Standards from Open
Open Science:
Open Science represents a new approach to the scientific process based on cooperative work and new ways of diffusing knowledge by using digital technologies and new collaborative tools (European Commission, 2016b:33). The OECD defines Open Science as: “to make the primary outputs of publicly funded research results – publications and the research data – publicly accessible in digital format with no or minimal restriction” (OECD, 2015:7)
- Foster Open Science contains advice on making each step of scientific process more open.
- Open Science MOOC has modules for teaching Open Science for students and researchers.
- CORE aggregates articles and data with APIs to facilitate open science.
Policy on Page Charges
The Binghamton University Libraries strive to provide service, support, and access to tools and materials for successful scholarly activity at BU. Page charges for scholarly journal articles can be required for publication of materials for Open Access or similarly named publishing models.
The Libraries recommends that researchers and authors consider the following when preparing manuscripts:
- Check with the funding agency program rules for allowing page charges. Some federal or state agencies are prohibited from using grant funds to pay for these charges.
- Designate a line item on your research grant budget for publication charges. Consult with Research Foundation staff or the Grant and Contract Administrator for your program on how best to document this information in your grant budget narrative.
- Check the author information in the journal. Any publication or page charge requirements should be clearly stated.
Why are there page charges? Previous subscription-based journal cost models are being replaced with Open Access and other similarly named policies. These models may require authors to pay a fee to make the article available to all researchers, not just those with a library subscription.
How can I tell if a journal has page charges for publication? There are lists of these journals available online, the most comprehensive of which is the Directory of Open Access Journals.
What is an embargo period? The length of time an article will be available to those with a current subscription to the journal. Embargo periods vary from a few months to longer than one year. Once this time has passed the article is available to everyone.
What do I do if I’m a co-author and my collaborator can’t pay the publication charge? All authors can contribute to the publication charge. Consult with your co-authors and their institutions prior to submitting your manuscript.
Browser Extensions to link to Open Access articles
- CORE DiscoveryProvides direct links to Open Access articles. Based in the UK.
- KopernioExtension identifies Open Access, publisher, and Google Scholar versions of an article. Allows you to save items to a locker. Owned by Clarivate.
- Lazy ScholarScrapes Google Scholar and provides a banner with results within Chrome or Firefox.
- Open Access ButtonLinks directly to Open Access content via a Chrome extension.
- UnpaywallA plug-in extension for Chrome and Firefox with links openly available journal articles.