Subject Guides
Scholarly Communications and Open Access Policy
Guide Contents
What is Identity Management?
Why care about your online identity?
Because there are a variety of online sites and tools that you can use to show the impact of your scholarship and list your work online for others to see.
What's in your online profile?
Depending on what types of scholarly work you produce, an online profile could include any of all of the following:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Funding and grants awarded
- Works published
- Presentations
- Research Data Sets / Supplemental Research Materials
- Teaching Materials
The links below provide some examples of sites you can use to provide access to your scholarly, teaching and supplemental works.
Research Networks/Academic Profiles
Research networks allow you to create a CV-like profile of your work and also form connections with other like-minded researchers. There are many research networks. The following are some of the largest and most active.
- ORCIDORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows. Bingh University can assist with ORCID set up, please see our ORCID page for more information.
- ResearchGateContains over 10,000 members in the sciences social sciences and humanities.
- Academia.eduOver 2 million members in all areas of research. Contains analytics tools to measure profile activity and impact.
- MendeleyWeb-based citation management system with social network functions. Modelled after itunes and Available to all.
- EpernicusContains academic geneaology links as well as analytical tools to measure impact of work.
Research Data / Supplementary Materials
Why use a website to load and store your research data or files?
- The agency that funded your research requires it - the NSF, for example, requires language in all proposals that data-sharing intentions needs to be provided as part of the proposal
- The journal or publication using your work doesn't accept supplementary materials. Some journals are eliminating this step in the publishing process.
- Posting research data online helps others to find your work more easily, and may increase the number of citations to your works.
- FigshareProvides private and shared data storage, with QR codes and DOIs for datasets. Also provides analytical metrics for measuring impact and visibility of work.
- SlideshareStore powerpoint presentations and documents for others to share and use. Public and private settings available. Analytical tools show views, downloads, favorites, and social media activity for individual files.
- MendeleyBasic account allows a user to store 1GB of data and files.
- Open Science Framework (OSF)Allows researchers to add and share files for projects, including research data files, in all subject areas.
Selected Works
Selected Works is a scholarly/creative works profile service provided by Binghamton University Library. The profile platform can be found within the University's repository, The Open Repository @Binghamton (The ORB). You can either create a profile by visiting the Selected Works sign in page or you can contact the ORB administrator (