Subject Guides
Mechanical Engineering
Guide Contents
Finding Library Resources
- Ask a LibrarianGet your questions answered in-person at the Research Help Desk, online through e-mail or chat, or by phone.
- Find It!Libraries' one-stop search tool for books, journals, articles, videos, sound recordings, digital images and more.
- How to do Library ResearchHelp getting started on your research.
- Inter-Library Loan (ILL)We don't own a copy? Request it through ILL and we will get you a copy from another library.
- Library CatalogSearch the Library Catalog by changing the search scope to Library Catalog.
Citation Help
- Citation Help & Academic HonestyHow to cite using MLA, APA, & Chicago, plus links to other citation styles. Information on how to avoid problems with plagiarism.
- Citation Management GuideUse a citation manager to create bibliographies and in-text citations as well as organize and share your references.
Other Library Resources
- Library TutorialsHow to find books and articles, how to write a citation, and more.
- What type of journal is my source?Provides an overview of the 3 main article sources: scholarly journals, popular magazines, and trade journals.
- Evaluating Web PagesCan you use that website in a paper? This page will help you evaluate it.
Adding BU Libraries to Google Scholar
The Get It! link will automatically occur in Google Scholar searches done on campus. For off campus users:
1. Go to Google Scholar at
2. Before doing a search go into Settings. This is usually under the three bars in the upper left, but may be at the top of the page or elsewhere. Look for the gear symbol.
3. Type "Binghamton University" in the the "Library Links" box and select "Binghamton University - Get It!."
4. Click Save.
5. The Get It! link will now appear each time you search Google Scholar. (If you are off campus, you will need to log in once you click the Get It! link to get access.)
Subject Librarian

Aleshia Huber
102F Science Library
(607) 777-4902
Subjects: Engineering & Applied Science