Subject Guides
Guide Contents
Research guides:
- Compiling the legislative history of a NYS law (NYSL)
- McKinney’s consolidated laws of New York research guide (Bartle Library Reference K N4 A3)
- New York legal research guide (Bartle Library Reference KFN5074 .G53 1998)
Bills and Laws
- HeinOnline Session LawsNYS laws, NYS Constitution, State Attorney General Reports & Opinions, and more
Assembly Legislative Information System
Search by bill number or keyword. Provides summary, actions, votes, memo, and text when available. - Senate Legislation page
Search by bill number or keyword
- Summary of Legislation (Bartle Library Reference KFN .S86, annual)
Summary of all bills signed into law or vetoed, Major bills discussed at length
- State of New York Legislative Digest (Bartle Library Reference KFN 5010 .N7, 1989-2000)
Summaries of each bill introduced into the Senate and Assembly identifying the laws amended and full sponsorship of the bill; Subject index of bills and laws; Changes in the consolidated and unconsolidated laws; Governor's Approval Memorandums and Veto Messages; Proposed Constitutional Amendments; Senate Confirmations; Executive Orders.
Members and Committees
- Assembly members
- Assembly Committees
full listing of committees and sub-committees, with links to current committee membership
- Assembly Committee agendas
- Assembly Legislative reports
includes Committee reports, when available
- Senate members
- Senate Commitee agendas
for the most recent week
- Senate Commitees
NYS Senate does not offer a single place to for Committee reports. Visit the committee' web page to view any reports that may be available. Current membership on each committee is available as well. You can also search for news and updates by issue.
- The New York State Red Book / New York State Directory (Bartle Library Reference Desk JK3430 .N5)
Comprehensive guide to New York State governmental organization, including information about agencies, commissions, authorities, the legislature, judgeships. Also contains county government information.
- State of New York Legislative Digest (Bartle Library Reference REF KFN 5010 .N7, 1988-2000)
Provides full listings of all Legislative members, as well as committe members.