Subject Guides
Guide Contents
See also:
- Federal Courts Finder - New York Courts (Federal Web Locator)
Helps find full-text opinions of the U.S. Court of Appeals (also known as Circuit Courts).
- New York State Unified Court System
Frequently asked information about the Judiciary in New York State. Links to courts, Libraries, a How do I section, and information for attorneys, litigants and more. Site index is very helpful.
- New York State court system structure
very useful chart outlining the structure of both the civil and criminal system, and what the courts are called
- - information on the Juror system in NYS, including how to report and call in for duty.
- New York State court system structure
- New York State Court of Claims
Court for cases seeking civil claims against New York state. Provides a database of decisions from March 2000 to the present.
- New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
Reviews complaints against judges at all levels.
Legal Databases for New York Court Opinions
- WestlawExtensive coverage of legal materials including case law, statutes, and regulations for the U.S. government and the states. Includes Supreme Court briefs and petitions, United States Code Annotated and secondary legal sources such as American Jurisprudence 2d, American Law Reports, and law reviews.
- Nexis Uni
NexisUni provides access to 15,000+ news, business and legal sources. If a sign-in button appears, click the button for access.