Subject Guides

Browzine and LibKey

Guide on BrowZine and LibKey Products: Tools to make your electronic library access easier

What is LibKey Discovery?

LibKey Discovery is intregrated with the Libraries' Find It! "one-stop" discovery and delivery service. When viewing results for articles in Find It!, it allows you to connect to the PDF copy with just one click.

LibKey Discovery Download PDF link in Find It! Results

If LibKey Discovery cannot connect directly to the PDF, it will instead link to the webpage or database where full-text is located. Common with articles available through the EBSCOhost databases:

LibKey Discovery Find Article Link

LibKey Discovery is available for most results, but not all. If you do not see LibKey Discovery link options, click the "available online" to explore available library links.

LibKey Discovery also provides a link to the complete issue of a journal. Click to browse the table of contents for other articles of potential interest within the BrowZine platform.

LibKey Discovery Browse Journal link in Find It! results